Rewind and Review: May

Rewind & Review is an AMAZING new meme hosted jointly by two fabulous ladies, Ginger from Greads! and Lisa from Lisa Is Busy Nerding. This meme is all about mining your TBR piles and finding some long-lost gems (from 2010 or earlier) that you meant to read and somehow passed over. I KNOW, but it happens. Each month, each participant picks a few oldies but hopefully goodies to read, reviews ’em, and spreads the word. Huzzah!

Guys, I have consistently managed to underperform for this meme each month. I always pick three books, I always wind up reading LESS than three, and I always wind up switching one book for another all sneaky-like in the middle of the month. SIGH. BUT! I am definitely mining my pile, and that makes me crazy happy! In April, I reviewed I’D TELL YOU I LOVE YOU, BUT THEN I’D HAVE TO KILL YOU by Ally Carter and…that’s it. I told you. UNDERPERFORMED. In fact, I had no idea I only reviewed this one book until just today. I could’ve SWORN there was another one. Alas. I WILL be better next month, guys. I SWEAR. (In my defense, AN ABUNDANCE OF KATHERINES was checked out of my library for most of this month, so….)

Book cover for The Exiled Queen by Cinda Williams ChimaBook cover for An Abundance of Katherines by John GreenBook cover for Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready

THE EXILED QUEEN is chilling in a pile right now, waiting for me, Katherines is on hold at the library, and SHADE–because I’ve been hearing TONS of love for these books now that the third in this trilogy is out–is coming to me courtesy of le wallet because my library doesn’t have them (for shame!)

May, I will crush you. 


  1. Mt. TBR is funna get it’s ass STOMPED.


  3. I can’t believe you didn’t get through Katherines last month. *Sigh*. 😛

    I saw you already getting through The Exiled Queen on GR though!

    • GAH! It will happen this month. You know what my problem is? Picking something ahead of time and not ADD-ing myself into a different choice later. I can’t stick to my lists!

  4. YOU CAN DO IT THIS MONTH! Seriously Shade and An Abundance Of Katherines are wicked awesome books. I promise that.