Top Ten Tuesday (95)

Top Ten TuesdayTop Ten Favorite Sequels

Friends, I LOOOOOVE series books. I’m one of those people who doesn’t like to let things go, so when I find out that there’s a new series coming out that I can get good and invested in, I just get jittery with excitement. I took this week’s Top Ten Tuesday pretty literally and chose my favorite second books in a series. Let’s get fangirly!

Book cover for Prodigy by Marie Lutop ten tuesday sequelsI just loved the first book in this series, LEGEND. Day is charming and flirty and confident and loyal, and June is smart, courageous, clever, and not afraid of doing the right thing. PRODIGY takes their struggle against the Republic and expands it, both geographically and personally. AND THEN! THE END! THE THING THAT HAPPENS! Love it.

Book cover for Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maastop ten tuesday sequelsGUYS. THIS BOOK. I liked book 1 quite a bit, but CROWN OF MIDNIGHT really knocked the story of Celaena, Chaol, Dorian, and the kingdom of Ardalan out of the park. Like, really far out of the park. This story is so much bigger now. I’m really excited that there are four more books. I’m ready.

Book cover for The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvatertop ten tuesday sequelsThis is not the first or only book on this list that takes a solid beginning in book 1 and ups the ante in a huge way. THE DREAM THIEVES  is even better than THE RAVEN BOYS. Plus, there’s LOTS of Ronan, and that’s always a good thing.

Book cover for Scarlet by Marissa Meyertop ten tuesday sequelsMarissa Meyer’s Lunar Chronicles is hands down one of my favorite series out right now. There was so much about SCARLET that makes this already awesome series better: I loved the setting in France and Paris, I LOVED Scarlet and Wolf (WOLF!!), and I loved Thorne and Cinder and the way they interacted. Also, Wolf. And also Thorne.

Book cover for Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylortop ten tuesday sequelsI am constantly slayed by this series. By the writing and the world-building and the characters. I’m heartbroken for Karou and Akiva and for the time they spend dealing with some harsh, devastating things. SIGH. This book is gorgeous, and we get to see lots more of Eretz, the home world of the Angels and the Chimera. It’s as stunning as you would imagine.

Book cover for Dark Triumph by Robin LaFeverstop ten tuesday sequelsSYBELLA AND BEAST OMG. Talk about two gruff, broken people finding each other at just the perfect moment and slowly coming together and dealing with death and adversity and so many personal demons. So excellent.

top ten tuesday sequel top ten tuesday sequelsFriends, if you don’t know DJ Schwenk, I honestly think you need to correct yourself. She’s just about one of the best main characters ever. She’s frank and hard-working and genuine. Her relationship with Brian takes a few turns in book 2, and her family issues are far from resolved, but I’m a forever fan of hers.

catching fire top ten tuesday sequelsI enjoyed this whole series, but CATCHING FIRE was probably my favorite. It had the action and twistiness and PEETA and drama. Plus Katniss remains her complete BAMF self.

masque of the black tulip

top ten tuesday sequelsIf historical romance isn’t your thing, I think this series is a great place to start. It’s fun and sexy and quick to read. In book 2, we get to hang out with my FAVORITE couple of the whole series, Miles and Henrietta. They’re just so perfect and funny and adorable.

dragonflyinamber top ten tuesday sequelsOK. So if we’re talking about favorite sequels in favorite series, this one has to be VERRRRRY close to the top. SO much drama and emotion and danger. And and and! The ending is like, “OMG my heart was just RIPPED OUT of my CHEST.” SO EFFING GOOD.


  1. Wish I was a series reader, but I’m not. My list is short. Really short.

    Here’s my list of best sequels ever.

  2. I have to agree with you about Catching Fire, it was my favorite in the Hunger Games trilogy! And now you’ve got me thinking I should revisit the Outlander series – I really enjoyed the first book, but found I couldn’t get into the second.

  3. I was *this close* to putting Dark Triumph on my list. It was amazing. And, now I’m pissed at myself for forgetting an Outlander book – DiA and Voyager were SO GOOD!!

    TTT @ Krista’s Dust Jacket

  4. Scarlet and Crown of Midnight were on my list too. I haven’t read The Dream Thieves yet, but I’m so glad to hear how good it is! And Prodigy…the ending!! I can’t wait (although I’m nervous) to find out how it all ends. Great list!

  5. how can I forget Days of Blood & Starlight?!?! so brilliant! and Ziri! yummy.
    i also had Catching Fire & Scarlet. I need to read Dragonfly in Amber…and start the Raven boys series.

  6. I agree with all the ones I’ve read. I loved Days of Blood and Starlight even more than the first book. And this reminded me that I totally haven’t read the rest of the Dairy Queen series! And that I need to do that sooooon!

  7. Also, Wolf, and also Thorne! Yes, exactly! I’m so, so, so glad to hear that you loved The Masque of the Black Tulip. I have it from the library, and I’m feeling in the mood for some historical business.

  8. Yessss to so, so many of these. DRAGONFLY broke meeeee. And Catching Fire was AMAZING, as was Dark Triumph. I NEED the third book in that series like I need air.

  9. Good, I’m glad to hear that Crown of Midnight is good! I recently finished Throne of Glass but have a lot of books to finish before I get to it. I have yet to start on the His Fair Assassin trilogy but thanks for reminding me. 🙂