Top Ten Tuesday (103): Top Ten Things I Am Thankful For

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Bookish Things I Am Thankful For

Friends, I am thankful for so many things this time of year. And always, of course. But I like that I get to talk about things that I am thankful for, especially when I’m talking about bookish things!

Top Ten Tuesday thankfulUmm, hello. I am most certainly thankful for my favorite genre of books. There’s nothing I love more sometimes than diving deep into a world that isn’t my own. Escaping reality, which sometimes sucks, for a completely different reality that might also suck sometimes but in a cooler, more interesting way is something I will always be glad for.

Top Ten Tuesday thankfulAhhh, yes. The kiddos who are made of awesome. One of the reasons I love reading children’s fiction is because the options when i was growing up were pretty slim. I LOVE YA forever, but I’m always particularly enchanted by middle grades. They are just so feel-good, I can’t even deal.

Top Ten Tuesday thankfulHave you guys seen these? They’re so pretty. I collect them–you know, just one or two here and there–just so that I can have them on a shelf and stare at them.

Top Ten Tuesday thankfulAs a librarian, albeit one who is not working in a library, I have a particular soft spot for them. I could wander around a library for hours, just checking things out on the shelves, absorbing things, enjoying the quiet and the smell of books. ALWAYS thankful for the sanctuary.

Top Ten Tuesday thankfulThis one is not only on here because I’m thankful to have this space to talk about the books and bookish/nerdy things that I love, but it’s because of what it’s meant to me and the people I’ve met through it. (Ahem. That means YOU.)

Top Ten Tuesday thankfulI know, I know. Amazon is like THE MAN of the book world. But I can’t lie to you guys: I use it ALL THE TIME. Amazon Prime remains probably the best thing I pay for every year, and because I don’t necessarily have time to go to a bookstore to buy books in person, I often turn to Amazon not just for ease but, hello, they are cheaper. BIG fan.

Top Ten Tuesday thankfulI am ALWAYS ALWAYS thankful for these because I am kind of lazy at heart. So laying around, chilling and reading books is kind of my ideal. Also, I took a staycation this year over my birthday and I read soo many books, it was amazing.

Top Ten Tuesday thankfulThis thing! I love it! I love that backlight! It makes reading in bed a whole new thing, and I love it. It’s got a touch screen and I would maybe die without it. Hate to be so superficial and be thankful for a thing, but I am. It brings me no end of good times.

Top Ten Tuesday thankfulThis is just so stinking fun. I’ve been doing a lot of readalongs lately and I appreciate them for the opportunity they give to share opinions and thoughts about a book with other people. I’m pretty stoked about this new feature Brittany, Alyssa, and I have cooked up (and have let stew for a while) that is basically this same thing. What is better than sharing books with people? Correct answer is NOTHING.

Top Ten Tuesday thankfulReal talk: before I started blogging, I had almost no friends I could talk to about the books I all of a sudden LOVED reading. Starting this blog helped with that, as did going to library school. But I’ve made honest to goodness real-life friends with people I’ve met through this blog, and they literally get me through the day. We don’t live close, but we talk every day and we laugh and talk about books and life and anything. I’m most thankful for them, and for you.


  1. I love fantasies too, so great to read about such a different world. And libraries…yes, I could not read as many books (given they are free) as I do without my library. I have about 20 checked out at any given time. And I’m like you, I use Amazon all the time. Clicking that button on my Kindle and getting a book right then and there, even if it’s two o’clock in the morning…can’t beat that. And if I’ve pre-ordered, I love waking up and there the book is, waiting for me. Great list!

  2. Thank god for libraries! I need to make better use of mine, that’s for sure…. 🙂 LOVE your list!

  3. Yea for friends you can talk to about books!!! That is why I love blogging!!

  4. *smooshy hugs you* Love you, Ame!!! I’m so happy for our friendship and our read alongs and our marathon texts!! Your friendship means the world to me and I’m especially thankful for you (extra special thanks)!! <3