Top Ten Tuesday (110): Books That Made Me Cry

Top Ten TuesdayTop Ten Books That Made Me Cry

So, let me just get this off my chest now: I’m a crier. I cry when I watch TV, I cry when I listen to music, and I cry when I read. Sometimes it’s just welling up, sometimes it’s a solid cry, and sometimes it’s an epic sobfest. These are just some of the books that made me cry, trust me.

books that made me cryFriends, the ending of this book remains one of my more legit crying jags I’ve ever had while reading. It was unexpected and heartbreaking and THE WORST. Rating on the crying scale: 8.

books that made me cryThis is one of those books where I kind of low-level cried all over the place. It’s such a beautifully sad story. Lenny losing her sister, Bailey, touched me, and the writing and the setting and everything else about it was basically perfect. Rating on the crying scale: 4.

books that made me cryI know that Cedric Diggory’s death in Goblet of Fire was the first “big” death in these books, but it was the death in book 5 that killed me the hardest. There were other deaths that were like stabs in my heart, but this book was horribly sad. Rating on the crying scale: 8.

books that made me cryOMG. This book is so bittersweet, and that is the shizz that gets me ALWAYS. I read the last chapter of this book through major snot-faced sobs. Rating on the crying scale: 10.

books that made me cryFriends, I CANNOT WAIT for this series to be on TV. I’m dying. I’m also a little terrified of seeing the ending of this book in real (TV) life. It’s devastating and emotional. I love these books. Rating on the crying scale: 9.

books that made me cryI’m actually still reading this one, but since it’s fresh in my mind and I literally just cried over it the other night I had to put it on here. Not only because I cried, but because WAHHHH!!! I WISH THAT IT WASN’T SOOOO!! Rating on the crying scale: 7.

books that made me cryDon’t even go there with dads. Don’t. Even. Stories with dads kill me, always. Stories with dads where sad things happen? OMG. Rating on the crying scale: 7

books that made me cryAwww, this one is the only book on my list where I cried not because I was sad, per se, but more because I was completely satisfied and only a little bittersweet. Mostly, the ending of CHAMPION was really touching and I loved it and so I cried. It happens. Rating on the crying scale: 4.

books that made me cryI cried SO. EFFING. HARD reading this book. Cancer books always make me so sad, and this one is no exception. Cam Cooper makes you want to believe that there is some miracle somewhere for her. Sobbed over this one, too. Rating on the crying scale: 9.

books that made me cryThere are basically no words for how much I cried while reading this book. Like, all the time. Little well-ups, maybe a teardrop or two, and then BOOM! All-out, chest-heaving, runny nose ugly sobs. It’s the dads, guys. The dad in this book reminded me of my own and so that made it even worse. Rating on the crying scale: 10.

books that made me cryThis story about a young boy who’s mother is dying from cancer might be my ugliest cry ever. For real. It’s beyond touching and sad and heartbreaking. I just want to give Conor the biggest hugs in the universe. Rating on the crying scale: 10.


  1. I definitely ugly cried at the end of Delirium too. It was just so out of nowhere and I wasn’t prepared for it at all! Cue hysterics.

  2. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz says

    Thanks for this great list!

    Here’s my Books That Will Make You Cry.

  3. The Sky is Everywhere is an incredible book! I really enjoyed reading it. I’m also looking forward to reading Second Chance Summer.

  4. First and foremost, I love everything about this post. I love that you have a crying scale. I never even thought of that! I also like the pictures with the titles and authors on them. I also like that Delirium is on your list because I haven’t seen it on anyone else’s list and I don’t understand because that book left me a disgusting mess when I was finished with it. (wow, run-on sentence of the month, I think). And also I love your “voice” so to speak. It feels very authentic to me.

    So, yeah. Great list ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Great picks. The last three HP books all turn me into sobbing messes, but Deathly Hallows wins it for me. I’ve seen A Monster Calls on so many lists, I’m a little scared to read that one now. My TTT ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. This must be the 6th or 7th list I’ve seen Second Chance Summer on! I read Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour and liked that one, I’m really going to have to check SCS out…*adds to TBR list* ๐Ÿ™‚

    And ohhh, Harry Potter. I have the 7th book on my list, but it’s really more so the last 4. All of them. And maybe a little bit of the first three because it’s all bittersweet and I know what happens and it’s all just so wonderful! *sigh*

    Great list:)

  7. OMG…the ending of Dragonfly in Amber!! โ€œI stood still, vision blurring, and in that moment, I heard my heart break. It was a small, clean sound, like the snapping of a flower’s stem.โ€ </3

  8. A Monster Calls is totally a 10 on the scale of sobs.