Top Ten Tuesday (112): Top Ten Popular Authors I’ve Never Read

Top Ten TuesdayTop Ten Popular Authors I’ve Never Read

I’m sure I’m not the only reader who has a TBR that’s a mile high and two miles wide. That’s basically a given. But I’m sure that there are TONS of readers out there who’ve read at least one book by at least one of these ten popular authors. I have books–in some cases, several–by all of these authors on my TBR right now. And quite honestly, this list could’ve been SO much worse: I only read my first books by John Green, Veronica Rossi,  Rae Carson, and Rick Yancey last year. Eeeep! I’ve got big plans for these ten authors, though. 

popular authorsI’ve had books of hers on my TBR since she first wrote about killer unicorns in RAMPANT. Which I own. And have not read. I also own FOR DARKNESS SHOWS THE STARS. Haven’t read that one either. Not for lack of wanting, though. That I can promise you.

popular authorsAs a lover of fantasy, it’s kind of ridiculous that I haven’t read any books by one of the most prolific and well-known writers of fantasy around. I have four books of hers on my TBR, but only because I made myself stop adding them until I read the ones I’ve already got on there.

popular authorsUGH. This one is super embarrassing to me. Her books sound so enchanting and so many people rave about them. Six of her books are languishing on my TBR, although I do have semi-firm plans to read SUNSHINE this year with Alyssa. But SIGH.

popular authorsTHE RING AND THE CROWN is one of only a few Melissa de la Cruz that I have on my TBR, but I always see her books–well worn and many-times read–at my library and wonder if I’m missing something awesome by not reading her books. Hopefully I’ll get to read her newest one soon.

popular authorsI have so many friends who RAVE about Jill Shalvis that when a bunch of her Lucky Harbor books went on kindle sale a little while ago, I bought a few and am hoarding them for when the mood strikes me. I’ve been reading more adult contemporary romance lately than usual, and by all accounts Jill Shalvis is the queen of such things. I can’t imagine her lingering on this list much longer.

popular authorsSo one of my favorite TV shows is Supernatural. Sarah Rees Brennan’s Demon’s Lexicon series reminds me of it hardcore. I own the first book; I have owned it for years. Never read it. I also now own UNSPOKEN, and have big plans to read it. (This is perhaps a theme, me having “big plans” to read books. I should stop making plans, I think.)

popular authorsAnother popular author that people shout their love for from the rooftops. Another popular author that I haven’t read. I’ve heard such great things about INCARNATE, but just can’t get myself to sit down and read it. Alas.

popular authorsAlyssa gifted me the entire box set of her Enchanted Forest Chronicles for Christmas and I’m just SO ESSITED to read them. I have other books of hers on my TBR, and I believe I’ve even checked books of hers out of the library before, but I haven’t managed to read any yet. I can tell you with 100% certainty that before this year is over, I will have read at least one of her books.

popular authorsOooh, I looooooove historical romances! Eloisa James is a super popular author of them and I have yet to read any of her books. I don’t doubt that I’ll get to her soon, though, because historical romances are my favorite go-to books when I’m in a slump or just looking for a change of pace.

popular authorsEeek, I know. THE BOOK THIEF. I used to have it front and center on my shelves as a constant reminder that I need to read it, but I’m somehow never in the mood. This is probably one of my most egregious gaps in my reading, as far as I’m concerned. Hopefully I’ll find myself in the mood for it soon.

So what do you guys think? Who should I knock off of this list first?


  1. I feel you with that Robin McKinley. ONE DAY.

    But seriously get on that Zusak, okay? Okay.

  2. Great list, so many good authors on there! I would recommend starting with Zusak’s The Book Thief, it is such an amazing book.

  3. I haven’t read The Book Thief Either!!!! I’m so glad I’m not the only one.

    I’ve read two Patricia C Wrede books and really liked them. The first one I read was actually co-authored by Wrede – Sorcery & Cecelia. I loved that! I also read the first Enchanted Forest book – Deal with Dragons which was great, too.

    I love historical romance, too, and they are perfect for reading slump times. Or just when you want to feel better. But I also haven’t read a full Eloisa James book. I tried reading once of hers at the end of last year, but I wasn’t feeling it. I should maybe try another one.

    I’ve only read one Peterfreund book – Across a Star-Swept Sea, but OH MY GOSH, it is amazing. I cannot recommend it enough.

  4. I read this — and loved it — in January.

    New follower here! Hi! 🙂

    I wanted to let you know that I nominated your blog for the Liebster Award. You can read details about your nomination here. (My apologies if you’ve been nominated in the past — I didn’t see anything on your blog.)

  5. I highly recommend Jill Shalvis, Jodi Meadows, and Diana Peterfreund! I’ve enjoyed all of their books.

  6. Oh good, glad I’m not the only one who hasn’t read Patricia Wrede yet. I keep hearing good things about the Enchanted Forest Chronicles as well but I still haven’t got around to reading them.

  7. I read For Darkness Shows the Stars only recently and it was wonderful! I fell in love with the main character and it was one of those books that had you wanting to throw it across the room, while simultaneously gripping it tighter because you just HAD to know how it all ended!