Top Ten Tuesday | Top Ten Historical Settings I Love

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Historical Settings I Love (Plus a Few That I Want to See More)

GUYSSSS I love this topic! I love historical fiction, although I read less of it nowadays than I like. I was history minor (major for my first two years) in college, so I have an immense soft spot for it. My favorites, as you’ll see shortly, are largely pre-WWI. I’m not a big fan of history that people could see on the news, with one exception. But I geek out HARD for all of these time periods and would read more books set in each one.

Settings That I Love

1Colonial America is life. My number 1, ride-or-die historical period. Love everything about it. EVERYTHING. 7 The DRAMA in Venice is outstanding. It’s all just a little bit seedy, and that’s really appealing to me. Sex, scandal, murder, secrets. SIGH. 8 I love reading about Native American cultures in their heyday before America was colonized. I haven’t come across all that many books set in these cultures, but the few I have read were very good. 10 Ever since I first read LITTLE HOUSE IN THE BIG WOODS, I’ve been infatuated with pioneer life. Between that and the Kirsten American Girl books hooked me.
9 This one is less for the actual battles than for the society and culture. Soooo many things happening in America, all of it fascinating. 2 One of my history professors in college specialized in French history and listening to her talk about it really got me into it. The mess, the death, the murder of the king, the fear, the politics. I’m a nerd for that stuff. 3 Mostly thanks to OUTLANDER and Braveheart, honestly. But all the things about this. 4 Do you guys watch the TV show Vikings? It’s AMAZING. I was captivated by them long before the show came out, so I’ll read about this culture and their gods anytime. 5 Nothing like a little Tara to scratch my mystical historical itches. I especially love this setting in Juliet Marillier’s books. Not historical fiction primarily, but the setting is still fascinating. Druids, guys. Druids. 6Ahh, yes, the setting of all of my favorite historical romances. I love all the things about it. The propriety of calling cards and dances and carriage rides. I’m sure that not every single person in that time was as witty as they appear in the books I read, but I like to pretend.

Gimme More

14 So this is basically the only modern historical period that I find really interesting. This is partly because of some TV shows that I watched when I was younger: The Wonder Years, which took place during the war in the beginning, and China Beach, a show that I didn’t necessarily watch but my mom did, and I’d sneak downstairs after my bedtime to see it. The culture of this time is what really attracts me. 15 I’ve been OBSESSED with the Romanovs since high school. The conspiracy theories surrounding their murder, the movie Anastasia, the fact that they’re all GORGEOUS, the creepiness of Rasputin, it all hooks me right in. I need more of this.
16 Basically the French version of Regency England. I’ll sign up for that.
17 DURRRRR, King Arthur and his knights? I love this, and I’d love more of it.
11 Pilgrims, or early American settlers, like the colony of Roanoke. OMG THAT.
12 My favorite time period needs some YA representation BIG TIME. Authors? Please?
13 Yes, more of pioneers too. Give me some covered wagons and some prairies, and I’ll be all over it


  1. I love Regency England and that’s the usual historical romance period that I read! Not such a fan of the other periods because I hated history in high school so…

    I love to read more about Camelot, though! And I used to read a lot of medieval romance, and Scottish romance as well.

  2. Yes to Vietnam! It’s on my list as well. (well the 1960s/1970s). It’s my favorite war to learn about! And when I told my mom that they were advertising the entire China Beach series on late night infomercials she flipped out and had me order her 4 copies so she could give them to her sisters. But I agree with all of these! Great choices.

  3. Great list (and I love the illustrations)! 19th-century America/the frontier particularly is one of my favorite settings, since I love reading and writing Westerns.

    Have you read Georgette Heyer? I never thought I’d be interested in the Regency period apart from Jane Austen, but I was persuaded to try Heyer and now I’m hooked. Oh, and if you like Arthurian, look up Pendragon’s Heir by Suzannah Rowntree—it’s fantastic.

  4. I’m not really a fan of historical fiction, but I can totally get behind reading books in a few of these settings. Vikings?! Sign me up! I hadn’t considered Ancient Ireland, but I would read something from then…especially if druids are mentioned.

  5. You’ve picked so many amazing historical settings! I’d love to read more books set in a lot of these times too. I really want more books set in imperial Russia! It fascinates me. And, yes, a lot of my love from it comes from a childhood of watching Anastasia over and over again.

    Here’s my TTT post if you want to check it out.

  6. Nice list. I’m all for more Renaissance Venice (love that pic) and pioneer times too. I’d like to see some books where settlers pushing west encounter strange creatures, paranormal stuff… but I digress. 🙂 Vikings, Ireland, Camelot- yes please. I’m pretty much onboard with all these. 🙂

  7. I would love more French Revolution books, in fact I can only really think of Les Miserables- how bad is that!!! I’m all for this, great list 🙂 Here’s my TTT @ Emma’s Bookery if you would like to check it out, have a great day 🙂 xo

  8. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! I was literally fist pumping as I read your post, Amy. I don’t read as much historical fiction as I’d like, but I’d definitely read fiction set in ANY of the time periods you’ve mentioned. I’m particularly fond of Regency England, to be sure. But all of these others (especially Imperial Russia and Ancient Ireland) are settings I’d happily and eagerly read about!

  9. Oh my gosh yes, so many settings that I love too! Colonial America, the Renaissance, French Revolution, Scotland (yaaaassss Outlander and Braveheart!!), Vikings (I have season 1, need to watch), Ireland, Regency England (always!!). ROANOKE!!!! I would love that, and pilgrims in general. More Camelot, and Rev War YA! I was soooo into Anastasia in 6th grade. And I never thought of Napoleonic France like that haha! Such a great list 🙂