Top Ten Tuesday | Top Ten Books That Have Been on My Shelf the Longest

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Books That Have Been On My Shelf For The Longest But I’ve Never Read

So, I know that you guys can’t actually see me, but trust me right now: I’m cowering in a corner in mild fear of your disbelief and disdain. This is because–gulp–I have a particularly large pile of really well-known, popular (mostly) YA books that I haven’t read yet, and it just so happens that this week’s Top Ten Tuesday meme addresses this very issue! Don’t misinterpret that exclamation point, though: It’s an embarrassing pile, it’s way bigger than ten books, and I’m not proud of it. I keep it off to the side to further prevent my tripping over it and thus renewing my shame. But listen! I have a really good reason for this pile, and in my defense, it’s not that I haven’t tried to tackle these books before. It’s just that something always comes up, whether that’s life or just another book. Because I trust you guys, though, I’m going to share the ten most egregious items in my shame pile in the hopes that we can talk about it and move forward. Be gentle, though, ok? Ohmygod, I’m sooooo nervous.

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