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Secondary Character Love

Or, When the AAA Team Should Be Called Up to The Show

“Yeah, I was in The Show. I was in The Show for 21 days once – the 21 greatest days of my life. You know, you never handle your luggage in The Show, somebody else carries your bags. It was great. You hit white balls for batting practice, the ballparks are like cathedrals, the hotels all have room service, and the women all have brains and legs that go all the way up.”–Crash Davis, Bull Durham

(Sorry for the baseball metaphor, friends, but IT’S OPENING DAY ON MONDAY. #excitement.)

We all know how books are supposed to work: There’s a main character or two, they have a drama/thing/event/apocalypse/curse to fend off despite obstacles and possibly a love triangle. Whatever is going on with them directly is the main action. It’s what the book is supposed to be about. But there’s usually some other characters thrown into the mix, too: best friends, mentors, siblings, villains, frenemies. And SOMETIMES, even when I’m invested in the main character action, it’s these characters that stand out the most to me, that I wind up loving the most, who stick with me the most when I’m done reading.

This is a thing that happens quite often when I’m reading, but I feel like it’s been happening a lot lately, where I wind up finishing the book and saying to myself, “Well that was good. But HOT DAMN I want to read a WHOLE BOOK about (enter secondary character  name here). They were THE BOMB.” A good, well-developed, charismatic minor character can make an ordinary but good book better. For me, anyway. Here are a few of my recent–and one forever–favorites who I would love to have their chance to shine. Basically, they are the Crash Davis’s of my reading life who deserve their 21 days in The Show.

Also Known As by Robin Benway

Who: Roux is Maggie’s new best friend from school. She’s acerbic and sarcastic and hilarious.

Why: Umm, because Roux is the character who completely captured me while reading ALSO KNOWN AS. She’s got zest and personality and humor, even though she’s got a past that kind of sucks and parents who kind of suck more. I need more Roux in my life.

The Lumatere Chronicles by Melina Marchetta

Who: Lady Beatriss and Trevanion, the Captain of the Guard, are the mother figure and the actual father of Finnikin of the Rock. They were beloved by their people and each other before the five days of the unspeakable, and were betrothed. Their romance is totally fraught and full of romance.

Why: These two provide so much of the emotional core of these books, for me. Melina Marchetta made their relationship so bittersweet and passionate and strong. Even when they are trying to ignore their feelings, you know that they are eventually going to fail. They love each other too much. I would read a book about these two and their relationship in a HEARTBEAT.

The Penderwicks by Jeanne Birdsall

Who: Jeffrey!! Jeffrey Tifton is basically the Laurie to the Penderwick sisters’ Marches (there’s a little LITTLE WOMEN reference for ya). He’s the most outstanding boy there ever was.

Why: Calling Jeffrey a secondary character is technically true because the main characters in these books are without a doubt the Penderwick sisters, but Jeffrey plays a big role in their lives, even though he doesn’t really appear at all in book 2. If he doesn’t wind up married to one of them, I’ll be PISSED. I love Jeffrey, and I’d love to read more about him.

Poison by Bridget Zinn

Who: Princess Ariana–known as Ari to her best friend, cousin, and attempted assassin, Kyra–is the heir to the kingdom, and according to Kyra’s visions, the source of the downfall of their world. Hence the assassination attempt.

Why: THIS girl has got some spunk. She isn’t girly at all, she’s kind of brash and confident and tomboyish. I loved her banter with Fred and her camaraderie with Kyra. Ariana is another character whose personality really jumps out at you, and is just one of the reasons that I’m so incredibly sad that Bridget Zinn won’t be able to write any more about her. She was so important to my enjoyment of POISON.

The Reece Malcolm List by Amy Spalding

Who: Reece Malcolm is the main character, Devan’s, mother, whom she has not ever seen or lived with until her father dies and she has no choice. Brad is her younger boyfriend.

Why: I found myself connecting a lot more to Reece and Brad in THE REECE MALCOLM LIST than I did with Devan (my review is coming soon). Reece is a famous writer, and she’s emotionally distant and sometimes prickly and was really young when she had Devan. Brad is significantly younger than her and British and is without a doubt, no contest my favorite character from this book. He’s flat-out AWESOME with Devan, and with Reece. I would read a book about the grown-ups from this book in a flash. A FLASH. Their relationship is full of great drama and the kind of love that maybe seems like a surprise at first.

So, those are some of my favorite secondary characters. How about you guys? What secondary character would YOU call up to The Show?

Top Ten Tuesday (64)

Top Ten TuesdayTop Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Favorite Paranormal Characters

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. It’s awesome. Every Tuesday, the lovely folks over at The Broke and the Bookish post a top ten list topic so that book lovers like you and me can pour over our shelves and make our own lists. You can check out all the other Top Ten Tuesday‘s on their site!


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Top Ten Tuesday (47)

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten “Older” Books I Hope People Never Forget

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. It’s awesome. Every Tuesday, the lovely folks over at The Broke and the Bookish post a top ten list topic so that book lovers like you and me can pour over our shelves and make our own lists. You can check out all the other Top Ten Tuesday‘s on their site!


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In My Mailbox (30)

June 3, 2012

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren. It’s awesome. Every week, we all get a chance to tell everyone what new books we’ve gotten so that we can tell you guys and we can all drool and squee together! Huzzah for squees!

OMG GUYS!! It’s Book Expo week! Finally, Book Christmas is upon us, friends, and I’ll be there on Wednesday. I CANNOT WAIT. But, like I said, Wednesday. Today is only Sunday. So I have a couple extra days to fawn over these awesome books before I come back from BEA with tons of great stuff and stories to share with you guys. YAY!!


Book cover for Origin by Jessica Khoury

Origin by Jessica Khoury (September 4, 2012 from Razorbill). Oh, guys. Quick confession: whenever I see or hear of a book that’s set in a jungle, all my bells go off. I LOVE that environment. Also, the blurb mentions “conspiracies” and Lost. I’M IN. Can’t wait to read about the immortal girl birthed by science who escapes out of her compound and into the jungle. Sweet!


Tara from Hobbitses is one fabulous lady, guys. TRUST ME. But if you needed any proof, I offer you this: She has awesomely shared these books with me. Like I said. AWESOME. 

Storybound, Storm, The Storm Makers

Keepin it with the Ss, y’all!

Tara is the HERCULES of packing an envelope with books.

Storybound: Storybound #1 by Marissa BurtBeen looking forward to this one–a MG about a girl who lives in the land of Story–for a loooong time. It sounds right up my alley. 

Storm: Elementals #1 by Brigid Kemmerer. Guys, THIS one sounds FUN. A bunch of hot brothers who can control the elements and get caught up in danger/conspiracy etc., while trying to juggle all the girls. I read the little prequel story to this and LOVED it. Can’t wait to dive in!

The Storm Makers by Jennifer E. Smith. So, Jennifer E. Smith–author of THE STATISTICAL PROBABILITY OF LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT, which was AMAZING–wrote a MG book about siblings who discover that one of them can control the weather (SERIOUSLY one of my favorite plot devices, ever since I saw Twister). BOOM. Sounds awesome. 

Dear Tara, you are wonderful. THANK YOU times infinity for being so generous and fantastic in general. xoxo, Amy.

Recommend A…(2)

Recommend A... meme

…Book With A Green Cover

Guys, I can’t tell you how ecstatic I was when Shanyn from Chick Loves Lit announced that she was starting this awesome meme. Recommend A… is finally giving me the chance to cater to my inner nerd for specificity and randomness!! AND I LOVE IT. So props to Shanyn, who is fab for starting this up. I’m looking forward to giving some attention to books that might have missed everyone’s radar for one reason or another. Woo hoo!

Book cover for The Lost Conspiracy by Frances HardingeThe Lost Conspiracy by Frances Hardinge. This book has a green cover because it takes place in a JUNGLE! Holla! But seriously, this is one of the better, cleverer, more imaginative, completely unique fantasies I can remember reading, all because Frances Hardinge did something that I almost never see: set a fantasy world in a steamy, lush, dangerous tropical jungle. The result is pretty effing awesome. I wouldn’t recommend this to people who don’t usually like fantasy or who are just dipping their toe because it’s pretty in depth and sometimes hard to follow. But still, AWESOME. 


Book cover for Fablehaven by Brandon MullFablehaven: Fablehaven #1 by Brandon Mull. Keeping it with the fantasies this week! FABLEHAVEN is the incredibly solid beginning to one of my favorite middle grade series about secret magical preserves that safeguard fairies and other magical creatures good and evil, until the shizz hits the fan. Conspiracies, lies, traitors, and dangers lurk at every turn as siblings Kendra and Seth must try to save everything they know, and the people they love, from the bad guys. SO. STINKING. GOOD. 

Top Ten Tuesday (27)

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Book Characters I Want to Adopt and Shower With Love

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. It’s awesome. Every Tuesday, the lovely folks over at The Broke and the Bookish post a top ten list topic so that book lovers like you and me can pour over our shelves and make our own lists. You can check out all the other Top Ten Tuesday‘s on their site!


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Book Review | The Survival Kit | Donna Freitas

Book Review | The Survival Kit | Donna FreitasThe Survival Kit by Donna Freitas
Published by Farrar Straus & Giroux on October 11, 2011
Genres: Contemporary YA, Death/Dying/Grief, Relationships, Romance
Pages: 351
Format: Hardcover
Source: Library
AmazonBarnes & NobleGoodreads

When Rose’s mom dies, she leaves behind a brown paper bag labeled Rose’s Survival Kit. Inside the bag, Rose finds an iPod, with a to-be-determined playlist; a picture of peonies, for growing; a crystal heart, for loving; a paper star, for making a wish; and a  paper kite, for letting go.

As Rose ponders the meaning of each item, she finds herself returning again and again to an unexpected source of comfort. Will is her family’s gardener, the school hockey star, and the only person who really understands what she’s going through. Can loss lead to love?

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Book Review | Icefall | Matthew J. Kirby

I received this book for free from BookExpo in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Book Review | Icefall | Matthew J. KirbyIcefall by Matthew J. Kirby
Published by Scholastic on October 1, 2011
Genres: Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Middle Grade, Vikings
Pages: 324
Format: ARC
Source: BookExpo
AmazonBarnes & NobleGoodreads

Trapped in a hidden fortress tucked between towering mountains and a frozen sea, Solveig, along with her brother the crown prince, their older sister, and an army of restless warriors, anxiously awaits news of her father’s victory at battle. But as winter stretches on, and the unending ice refuses to break, terrible acts of treachery soon make it clear that a traitor lurks in their midst. A malevolent air begins to seep through the fortress walls, and a smothering claustrophobia slowly turns these prisoners of winter against one another.

Those charged with protecting the king’s children are all suspect, and the siblings must choose their allies wisely. But who can be trusted so far from their father’s watchful eye? Can Solveig and her siblings survive the long winter months and expose the traitor before he succeeds in destroying a kingdom?

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Top Ten Tuesday | Top Ten Books That Have Been on My Shelf the Longest

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Books That Have Been On My Shelf For The Longest But I’ve Never Read

So, I know that you guys can’t actually see me, but trust me right now: I’m cowering in a corner in mild fear of your disbelief and disdain. This is because–gulp–I have a particularly large pile of really well-known, popular (mostly) YA books that I haven’t read yet, and it just so happens that this week’s Top Ten Tuesday meme addresses this very issue! Don’t misinterpret that exclamation point, though: It’s an embarrassing pile, it’s way bigger than ten books, and I’m not proud of it. I keep it off to the side to further prevent my tripping over it and thus renewing my shame. But listen! I have a really good reason for this pile, and in my defense, it’s not that I haven’t tried to tackle these books before. It’s just that something always comes up, whether that’s life or just another book. Because I trust you guys, though, I’m going to share the ten most egregious items in my shame pile in the hopes that we can talk about it and move forward. Be gentle, though, ok? Ohmygod, I’m sooooo nervous.

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