Top Ten Tuesday (71)

Top Ten Tuesday Top Ten Books I Read Before I Started Blogging

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. It’s awesome. Every Tuesday, the lovely folks over at The Broke and the Bookish post a top ten list topic so that book lovers like you and me can pour over our shelves and make our own lists. You can check out all the other Top Ten Tuesday’s on their site!

I LOVE THIS TOPIC. I love it. I’ve been reading my whole life, and I’ve loved books long before I ever got it in my head that I could talk about the books I love on the internet for people to read, so to go back and think about the books I have read and loved is a nice trip down memory lane. But it also reminds me how much my reading habits have changed since I started blogging. I didn’t start reading YA until I went to library school in my late 20s, so most of my favorite books from the bulk of my life were adult books. Now that I’ve started blogging, I read almost exclusively YA—not that I mind—but thanks to my reading habit, I read quite a bit of adult stuff before I started my blog, too. So basically my list is a mish mash of stuff.

I did set some parameters for myself because “before I was a blogger” is a pretty long time, so I didn’t go back so far as my favorite books from when I was a kid because that’s a whole different list. This is basically a list of my favorite books that I chose and read for myself as an adult, and my favorite YA books I read during and just after I got my MLIS but before October 2011—my first month as a blogger. WHEW. I hope you’re not surprised that there are more than 10 books on here.

Top Ten Tuesday

The First 4 Books in A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin

I can’t talk enough about how much I love this series. I started reading A GAME OF THRONES in October of 2010, and proceeded to spend the next 5 months reading NOTHING but these books. Literally nothing. Can you imagine doing that now? Spending a month reading just one book at a time? But they deserved my attention, and that’s how I read these books still: With nothing else on my plate.

The Secret History of the Pink Carnation by Lauren Willig

I wasn’t a huge reader of historical romance before I got my mitts on the first book in the Pink Carnation series, but ever since I read this book, I became a SUPER FAN. These books are so incredibly FUN. Just plain old good times. I recommend these books all the time because they’re pretty much the best.

The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

UGLY CRY FTW. The end of this book remains my worst, most disgusting ugly cry of all time. Friends. It was so bad, but also SO GOOD. I loved Audrey Niffenegger’s writing, and the relationship between Henry and Claire was so bittersweet and beautiful.

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

If you’ve been around these parts before, you might have seen me gush about this series before. It’s one of my favorites. I read the first 5 books in this series in the same fashion as ASOIAF: The first one struck my fancy, I read it, LOVED IT, and proceeded to devour whatever books from this series that were out at the time back to back to back. I love all these books, and Jamie Fraser is the first ginger that I ever loved, but books 1 and 2 are, in my opinion, the best of the lot.

Cleopatra by Margaret George

So, I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned that I was a history major for a good chunk of college, and wound up graduating with a minor. I love it. It’s always been my favorite subject, and reading about it gets me all nerd-excited. Margaret George writes some of the best, most absorbing, well-researched, well-crafted historical fictions about, in most instances, famous women in history. Her story about the life of Cleopatra is STUNNING. I’m serious. It’s AMAZING.

The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver

I’ve long had this fascination with Africa, mostly because of the book and movie, Out of Africa. But when I read this book in college, it captivated me. I can still conjure up mental pictures of events and characters in this book, and the writing is wonderful, too. One of my favorite quotes comes from this book; in fact, I shouted it out in a previous Top Ten Tuesday!

Top Ten Tuesday

Graceling by Kristin Cashore

I’m in the midst of reading BITTERBLUE right now, friends, and it’s like coming home to see my people. If I hadn’t loved GRACELING as much as I did, I might never know that the characters in Kristin Cashore’s world WERE my people. Katsa and Po will be favorites of mine for a long time.

The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling


Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

I had never, ever read a book about angels before I read this book, and then I was like, “What other angel book could possibly compare to this one?” It ruined me for other angel books (although I did really enjoy UNEARTHLY). The writing is so lush and beautiful, and the world is so detailed and imaginative.

The Sky Is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson

I think it’s been almost three weeks since I mentioned this book on my blog…wait! No! That’s wrong! I gave much deserved love to Joe Fontaine in last week’s Top Ten Tuesday. HAHA, I should’ve known. This book is gorgeous, and it blew me away. I want to live inside it. THANK GOD Jandy’s next book is coming out this August, but until then I can just reread this one. Again.

Going Too Far by Jennifer Echols

Another book whose guy got a shout in last week’s TTT! I LOVE Jennifer Echols, and of all the books of hers I’ve read, this one remains my favorite. The story, the characters, the steam, the setting–it’s all so good! There was something about this book where everything just clicked for me. I reread this one constantly (every year, pretty much).

The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale

Talk about a gorgeous story, amirite? Shannon Hale is such an exceptional storyteller. I read this book and was like, “HOLY CRAP. I need to read more fairy tale retellings, if they’re going to be even a smidgen as good as this one.” And thus my never-ending love of fairy tale retellings was born. If you love those kinds of stories but haven’t read THE GOOSE GIRL, get on it.

The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater

This book was, I believe, the 6th book of Maggie Stiefvater’s that I read, but it was and is the best by a mile. I often find myself bummed that Thisby isn’t a real place where I can go visit, and that there isn’t a Sean Kendrick–all broody and quiet and still–in my life. I reread this book every year.

Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour by Morgan Matson

In what is fast becoming a list of books Amy always rereads, I couldn’t leave this one off. It’s sweet and fun and it’s got Roger Sullivan in it. I wonder what it means that so many of my favorite, favorite YAs are books I read before I started blogging. Oh well. I love a good road trip, and this one is probably the best and my favorite.


  1. If there is one thing I’ve learned about you, it’s that you have impeccable taste in books. I also adore Harry Potter and The Scorpio Races. Clearly, clearly I need to read THE SKY IS EVERYWHERE, AMY AND ROGER’S EPIC DETOUR, and GOOSE GIRL soon.

    • Aww, thanks Liz!! You absolutely do need to read The Sky Is Everywhere, Amy & Roger, and The Goose Girl. I can’t even lie. They’re WONDERFUL. I can’t wait for you to get to them!!

  2. I still really want to read Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour, it looks really great! 🙂 My TTT list:

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

    • It is, it is!! I hope you read it soon! It’s the perfect warm-weather book, too. Road trips are the best!

  3. Melissa @ Harley Bear Book Blog says

    I have Time Traveler’s Wife on my shelf and now you make me want to actually read it. It’s been sitting there for like a year now. I love your explanation for Harry Potter. haha My TTT

    • Oh my goodness, THAT BOOK. It’s so good. Really emotional, but great time-hopping. And seriously…ugly crying. UGLY. READ IT! lol.

  4. I almost put Joe on my top ten list last week.

    The Poisonwood Bible is a great book.

    • haha…I could probably find a way to include Joe in ALL of my lists. That boy is just…SO…I have no words.
      I loved The Poisonwood Bible. Barbara Kingsolver is such a great writer.

  5. I loved Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour. Daughter of Smoke and Bone also sounds amazing! Great picks 🙂

    • Huzzah for Amy & Roger!! That book gives me such warm fuzzies, I can’t even tell you.
      I will recommend Daughter of Smoke and Bone forever and ever with lots of gushing and clapping and fangirling. It’s gorgeous.

  6. I think I blogged on all of the YA books you mentioned, or at least the ones I’ve read. I decided to limit my list to YA books read within a time frame. I like your blog.

    • Thank you, Anne! So glad you like it! Clearly, since we blogged the same books, we are kindred spirits. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Another Margaret George fan! I haven’t read Cleopatra, but The Autobiography of Henry VIII made it to my list this week! Being a YA blogger I don’t run into lots of fans of her work – since it’s all decidedly adult and LONG.

    Bekka @ Pretty Deadly Reviews
    My Top Ten

    • I’m so glad that you love Margaret George!! Her books are excellent!! I have The Autobiography of Henry VIII but I’ve never read it. But if you love that book–and Margaret George–you should absolutely give Cleopatra a shot. It’s huge but worth it. SO GOOD. YAY!!!

  8. I really like how you set this up. I too didn’t start reading Young Adult books until after I was in my 20s. So my list has a lot of adult on it. I miss reading some of the adult books I read but I run a YA book club on goodreads and really try to stay caught up with them so the group is more fun.
    Here is my list: Top Ten Tuesday.


    • I love that you’ve got a YA book club! Those are the best. I was so late to YA books, so I know how you feel. I sometimes crave a book that has people my age in it, but I love YA so much that I always wind up pushing the adult books to the side! I need to fix that soon, though. I do love me some grown-up books!

  9. HaHa Ugly cry FTW is right when you talk about The Time Traveller’s Wife. My husband thought I was a crazy person. Love the blog. New Follower.
    My TTT
    Happy Reading!

    • AMIRITE?! The end of that book is like a knife in the heart. But it’s soooo pretty!!
      And THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES for the follow. xoxo

  10. I loved The Scorpio Races and Daughter of Smoke & Bone, I’d have put them on my list but I read it after I became a blogger. I still need to read Harry Potter.

    • GASP! Harry Potter is basically one of the most amazing series I’ve ever read. I don’t want to pressure you to read them or anything but…*applies pressure* They won’t let you down.

  11. Ahhh, TTW. I read that one years ago, and it was – at that time – one of the few books I had bought ever, off just hype. I tended to take a long time to pick new authors, or go off friend’s recommendations. But this time, I went solely off hype and never regretted it. TTW is beautiful, and one of those books I’ve always wanted to re-read, but I can’t forget the darned ending, and until then, I feel like I’ll be spoiled, because I remember too much of it. *sulk*

    Outlander. My story with Outlander is funny. I was working at Hastings (a bookstore/movie rental place) as a cashier, and this lady came in and bought all the books in the series – at this point, that was the first five – in the big trade paperbacks. EXPENSIVE. We chatted, and I was admiring the covers. She told me she’d moved, and lost some books in the process, one of them being the Outlander books, and that she simply HAD to have them again, they were that good, etc. I was sort of dubious, but she was so passionate about them, that a few months later, I bought the first one, then the second, etc. I read thte first four, and have always meant to get back to them. Agreed that of what I read, the first 2 are amazing!

    • Love this comment! So ok, I read TTW pretty much right when it came out. I have a habit of taking flyers on books just because I think they sound good. It’s a blessing in that I find awesome surprises that way, and a curse in that I sometimes spend money on stinkers or books that I never get to. But not long after I read TTW it was GMA’s book club book or something. I loved it. I still think about it now, and how much it KILLED me.
      I LOVE your Outlander story!! I love that the lady HAD to have them all. I confess to also have the big trade paperbacks of several books and then hardcovers of the three books that have come out since I started reading the series. I’ve enjoyed all of the books, truly, but the first two are almost perfect to me. Although I am always partial to a Colonial America story, so I love the books that take place there, too. I actually just finished listening to the most recent book–I think it’s the 7th?–and it was very good. The next one is coming out at the end of this year!!

  12. I didn’t really start reading YA until I got to Library School either. I read a few books – Princess Diaries, Ella Enchanted, but that’s it. YA books weren’t a thing when I was a teen so there wasn’t a ton to choose from. I mean, I was reading adult books by the time I was in 8th grade.

    Now I read almost exclusively YA. I love it! I do like to switch it up though.

    AND THE GOOSE GIRL! It’s on my list too. Have you listened to the audiobook? Because it’s amazing! Also, speaking of Shannon Hale and fairy tale retellings, have you read Book of a Thousand Days? Because that is my favorite SH book.

    • Oh and obviously I agree about HP. PERFECTION!

      • YA totally wasn’t a thing when I was growing up either, unless you counted Babysitters Club or Sweet Valley High (I was a fan of the latter, not so much the former), which I guess you can since they were the only things around. But library school was what really converted me. My YA gateway books were Twilight and Graceling. Harry Potter, too, but I never think to include it because it always strikes me as appealing to so many ages that I sometimes forget it’s children’s literature!
        Also, I LOVE that you love The Goose Girl!! I’m totally going to read Book of a Thousand Days soon. Like, really soon. It’s one of the only Hale books I haven’t read–I haven’t finished the Bayern series yet. Still have Forest Born to read. But I love her. So excited for her things coming out soon!

  13. Ooooh The Time Traveler’s Wife. I listened to the audiobook while driving to and from work and wound up ugly crying the whole way home and sat in my driveway sobbing until it was over. I had to give up audiobooks in the car after that.

    • Brave lady, listening to the audio while driving!! My luck, I would have gotten to the end right as I was getting to the office and I would’ve been a mess first thing in the morning!

  14. Scorpio Races!! Ugh, how did I forget that one?! Definitely one of my favorites as well. Really like Graceling, love Harry Potter (duh), and I loved Outlander as well – though I stalled in that series, about 1/8th of the way through The Fiery Cross… oops.

    Great list!

    • Quick! Go back and add it! I’ll wait. *whistles* Ok, good. 🙂
      The Outlander series is one of my favorites. I myself only just caught up a few months ago. The Fiery Cross was a good one, though. The next one–A Breath of Snow and Ashes–is really good as well. Well, honestly, I think they’re all good! But if you have the time/inclination, the audio books are really good.

  15. Oh, The Sky is Everywhere!! The Scorpio Races!! Yes, and yes! Both came after I was blogging for me and thank goodness because I might never have known about them if it wasn’t for the blogging world! What a great list 🙂 Love it!

    • YAY! Thanks my dear!! It never struck me until I wrote this list how I read so many of my super favorite YA books before I started blogging, because those two…FOREVER LOVE.

  16. Harry Potter. YES.
    Goose Girl! Yay! It makes me so happy to see someone else who loves The Goose Girl! It’s so amazing… I actually own a signed copy. 😀

    My TTT.

    ~ Lynette @ Escaping Reality – One Book at a Time

    • A signed copy of The Goose Girl?! Lucky duck!! I love that book. It was one of the first YA books I read once I really started getting into YA in earnest and it set the bar so high. It is, to me, the best book in that series. So, so lovely. 🙂

  17. I am SUPER surprised that The Scorpio Races is up there, since I thought you read it when you were already blogging. No matter, I know that you love it as much as I do. Such beautiful writing in that book, yes!

    Harry Potter is a no-brainer. Obviously.

    I used to read a ton of adult and chick lit and romance before I started blogging. While on occasion, I do venture back, I read mostly YA now.

    (P.S. I am LOVING A Game of Thrones right now. We’re nearly done with the first book for the read-along and I just CANNOT.)

    • Haha…well, I reread The Scorpio Races all the time so you might have noticed me rereading it after I started blogging because I do that. And I reviewed it on my blog after one of my rereads so maybe that’s what you remember? But yes, we both love it, therefore we are both awesome.
      I’m the same in terms of my reading habits. I read mostly YA, but I’m always aware of adult fiction. I read TONS of chick lit–Jane Green and Emily Giffin were two of my faves.
      PS I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT GAME OF THRONES!!! You ladies are reading fast!!!

  18. Love your description of Harry Potter. Because, really, what else is there to say?