Top Ten Tuesday (94)

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Books on My Fall TBR

Friends, fall is my favorite season. I love basically everything about it. EVERYTHING. The crispy air, the colorful leaves, pumpkin eats, Thanksgiving. In addition to all those awesome fallish things and more, I’m STOKED to read these books! 

just one year bannerDUH I’m excited for this book! I just loved JUST ONE DAY so much, and not just because the romance between Lulu and Willem was amazing and swoony, but because Lulu’s self-discovery was wonderful. I’m very much looking forward to seeing how Willem spent their year apart and seeing him and their relationship grow and change. (October 10 from Dutton Children’s)

midnight dress banner

This book is an Aussie gem, so I’m not exactly sure if it’s coming out this fall here in the US, or if that’s the release date Down Under. But it sounds SO GREAT: It’s about a gypsy girl who’s has a dress made for her by a witch to wear to a high school festival. It just sounds so different and dark and lovely. Like a fairy tale. (October 8 from Knopf BFYR)

house of hades bannerI am a dyed-in-the-wool Percy Jackson lover, and this companion series just keeps getting better. At the end of THE MARK OF ATHENA, Percy and Annabeth are in pickle, which is an epic understatement. I cannot wait to see how they get out of it.

crash into you bannerKatie McGarry’s contemps keep getting better, friends. I have to say that I think I’m a pretty big fan of these series that focus on one character at a time, and I think that Isaiah is going to make an excellent, broody MC. *fans self* (November 26 from Harlequin Teen)

kingdom of little wounds bannerTHIS BOOK has been on my radar for what seems like AGES and I am beyond excited for it. It’s a fantasy about a nursemaid and a seamstress who get caught in this web of lies and secrets in the wake of the wedding of their princess. Obviously, I’m massively oversimplifying, but trust me: It sounds amazing. Plus, it takes place in a Scandinavian fantasy world. I’m sold. (October 8 from Candelwick Press)

vicious bannerIn truth I’ve only read one book by Victoria Schwab–THE NEAR WITCH–but it was lovely and atmospheric and I’ve been a fan ever since. I’m excited about all of her books still on my TBR, but this one, with it’s adultness and superhero vibe, hits lots of my nerd buttons. (September 24 from Tor)

allegiant bannerI know, I know. This one is a gimme. (October 22 from Katherine Tegen Books)

united we spy bannerI’ve actually listened to this series on audio, so I’ll probably stick to that this time around, too. This series DEFINITELY gets better with age–Book 1 was seriously just meh for me, but once the major arc got going in book 2, things have improved like CRAZY. (September 17 from Disney-Hyperion)

burning sky bannerBeen hearing AMAZE things about this book, a fantasy–YAY for all the fantasy’s coming out soon!–about a young girl who is a powerful elemental mage who is destined to fulfill a PROPHECY (Amy buzz word) and defeat the baddest baddie, Bane (great name).  (September 17 from Balzer + Bray)

champion bannerOMG GUYS THIS SERIES. Marie Lu’s Legend series is no lie one of my favorites. I love the characters and the drama and the world. We left things with Day and June in a bit of an interesting spot at the end of PRODIGY, so I’m full of all the anxiety about how things will end up for them. (November 5 from Putnam Juvenile)

perfect ruin bannerConfession: I wasn’t a fan of the Wither series. I tried, friends, I did. We weren’t meant to be. But this new series sounds dramatic and clever, with the living in the clouds and the “jumpers” and the murder mystery and a boy named Judas. *happy dances* (October 1 from Simon & Schuster BFYR)

What books are YOU looking forward to this fall?!


  1. So many books on here that almost made my list – as well as some that did! I’m SO flippin excited for House of Hades it’s ridiculous. Vicious is going to be AMAZING. And I’m kind of stressed out about Champion because Prodigy was a feels roller-coaster, but of course I’m still super excited for it. Really awesome TBR list, I hope you enjoy them ALL. 🙂

  2. Looks like you have some fun reading ahead of you. I hope you enjoy all your books!

  3. I keep hearing excellent things about Vicious and I know zippy about it, which I’m going to remedy ASAP.

  4. Yay for a fellow Rick Riordan fan! I have House of Hades on my list too – I love this series!!

    TTT @ Krista’s Dust Jacket

  5. Great list! I want to read Allegiant, Perfect Ruin and Vicious soon. I hope you enjoy all these!

  6. Just One Year + Crash Into You = YESYESYES. I can’t wait for those. <3 I liked Pushing the Limits more than Dare You To, but Isaiah is my fave, so I have high expectations. I really need to start the Legend trilogy; I feel so far behind on that! I'm also going to have to look up The Midnight Dress because I don't think I've heard of it before & I am loving the Aussie YA authors. Great list!

  7. Just One Year is one I can’t wait for either. It’s going to be lovely.

    The House of Hades made my TTT as well because it’s freaking Percy Jackson. How can anyone not love Percy Jackson?

    I do plan to read The Kingdom of Little Wounds at some point, but I’ve heard some mixed reviews about it so it’s not high up my list.

    VICIOUS VICIOUS VICIOUS. It is hands down my most anticipated fall title and so lucky it comes out in just a week. Victoria Schwab is my most favorite and you need to read The Archived asap.

    Allegiant made my list as well, so excited to see how this series concludes. The Burning Sky also sounds like an amazing one and it’s been getting so many rave reviews. I’m pretty excited for Perfect Ruin as well.

  8. Allegiant…can’t wait! And Champion, I’m so worried about how that one is going to turn out. I got The Burning Sky, so I should be reading that one soon. Great list!

  9. Oh my gosh, I’m so excited for Crash into You, too. I think I’m going to fall in love with Isaiah so fast!

  10. Lisa (heylisarenee) says

    AHH SO MANY good books! But that one about the dress made by gypsies sounds DOPE.

  11. I’m in COMPLETE agreement about Just One Year, Allegiant and Crash Into You! All three fall reads that I’m so looking forward to being released 🙂


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