Excuse Me While I Fangirl: Merlin Potter

If the characters from Merlin ever met the Sorting Hat. INTER-TEXTUALITY BOMB!!!!

Also, if this is not THE TOTAL TRUTH, I don’t know what is. Seriously.


  1. Ha! That’s amazing!

  2. I know I’ve already told you this, but I just love this so much that I also needed to leave a comment.


  3. You should have seen me when I found this. I gaped for a few seconds because it was so AWESOME and RIGHT, and then I knew I had to share it with all my fellow fangirls. I love it!

  4. Holy cow! That is just too perfect! 😀 Absolutely-freaking-love-it!!!! I have to say, Morgana’s snarly looking grin in that picture is perfect for her belonging to Slytherin! 😀


  1. […] Arthurian legends, I’m PLANNING on reading MORE books about it, and I fangirl the TV show, Merlin. I love how Arthurian stories straddle the line between historical fiction and fantasy with their […]