Waiting on Wednesday (17): Thou Shalt Not Road Trip by Antony John

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. I love it because it is basically a squee-fest where book lovers can choose one book that they are DYING to get their hands on. Check it out!

Thou Shalt Not Road Trip

by Antony John

Antony John, road trip, contemporary, young adult, salvation, self-help, Luke Dorsey, religion, faith issues

One crazy road trip that’s a mix of rejection, redemption, and romance.

When sixteen-year-old Luke’s book, Hallelujah, becomes a national bestseller, his publishing house sends him on a cross-country book tour with his older brother, Matt, as chauffeur. But when irresponsible Matt offers to drive Luke’s ex–soul mate, Fran, across the country too, things get a little crazy. On the trip, Luke must loosen up, discover what it truly means to have faith, and do what it takes to get the girl he loves.

Told with Antony John’s signature wit and authenticity, and featuring smart, singular characters who jump off the page and into your heart, this story is a spiritual awakening and rockin’ road trip in one.

Oh, but THOU SHALT!! I LOVE road trips, guys. LOVE ‘EM. And I read and very much enjoyed Antony John’s FIVE FLAVORS OF DUMB last year, so I know that his writing is awesome. I confess (eek! Unintentional religious irony) that I’m not usually a huge fan of books that talk about faith and religion. However, reading about faith as an abstract thing as opposed to a religious thing is something I very much enjoy, and I feel like this book is going to have great depth about lots of stuff. Plus it sounds like the relationships are going to be interesting and complicated and SUPER. And seriously, they’re going on a road trip. Like there’s any way I’m not going to love this…

THOU SHALT NOT ROAD TRIP is coming out April 12, 2012 from Dial.


  1. I don’t like big talk on religious crap but I find that oftentimes they don’t deter from what I’m reading. At least, I’ve never encountered books that overbearing religious elements.

    Ugh, I’ve never been roadtripping. At least, not really or in recent memory. Still, this looks like a fun book!


  2. This sounds like it will be a really fun read. Hope you enjoy it when it comes out 🙂

  3. lindsaywrites says

    road trip books are so much fun!

    stop by my post? I’m hosting an exclusive cover reveal for a fall 2012 YA from Paper Lantern Lit and Philomel/Penguin!
