In My Mailbox (28)

May 20, 2012

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren. It’s awesome. Every week, we all get a chance to tell everyone what new books we’ve gotten so that we can tell you guys and we can all drool and squee together! Huzzah for squees!

Couple great things this week that I’m really excited about, guys! To the books!


Book cover for Burn for Burn by Siobhan Vivian and Jenny Han

Burn for Burn by Siobhan Vivian and Jenny Han (September 18, 2012 from Simon & Schuster BFYR). So this one is a vaguely paranormal revenge story that is the first in a set of companion novels about a group of girls who are all about the vengeance. Siobhan Vivian and I don’t always get along, but Jenny Han and I are BESTIES. Looking forward to this one, even though coauthored books always make me nervous. I feel like if there were any two who could pull it off, though, it might be these two. 

Book Cover for The Golden Door by Emily Rodda

The Golden Door: The Three Doors Trilogy #1 by Emily Rodda (October 1, 2012 from Scholastic). By now, everyone knows my LOVE of MG. Probably you also know that I LOVE fantasy. So put those two things together, and you get THE GOLDEN DOOR, a new MG fantasy about a walled city that is under attack from things that sound like dragons, and the MC decides to join up to fight them even though he’s too young. YO, the last sentence of the synopsis is this: “What terrors await him beyond the Wall?” Bonus points and my undying love if you can guess what I IMMEDIATELY thought of when I read this. 

(Hugs to Simon & Schuster and Scholastic for these two!! MWAH!)


Book cover for Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein

Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein. I’m not sure I can talk about how excited I am to read this, even though I KNOW that it’s only going to give me snotty-faced FEELINGS. But seriously: World War II, spies, young girls being brave and smart, friendship, jeopardy, drama. SERIOUSLY cannot wait to read this!


Book cover for Secret Letters by Leah Scheier

 Secret Letters by Leah Scheier. Thanks to Tara from Fiction Folio for hosting this FAB tour for a totally awesome-sounding book about a young girl in Victorian England who goes to London to solves crimes with Sherlock Holmes. Who might also be her real dad. EXCEPT when she gets to London–BOMBSHELL!–Holmes is already dead. Of course she picks up where her dad left off, solving crimes and all that biz. I love historical mysteries, so I’m PSYCHED about this one. TACKLE HUGS, TARA!! 

Squee! Loving these books, guys. Hope your week’s were awesome, too! 


  1. HARRUMPH. I hope you enjoy your fancy schmancy Scholastic title 😛

    HAHA. Anyway, <3

  2. OH MY GOSH! I want to read The Golden Door desperately, now that you mention MG FANTASY! DESPERATION TO READ IT I TELL YOUUUU.

  3. Secret Letters looks good! My Post!

  4. I LOVE Sherlock Holmes! I didn’t even know Secret Letters existed! Now I HAVE to get my hands on a copy!

    • I’m telling you: it looks fantastic. I’ve heard good things. Plus, obviously, there’s the “mysterious stranger” who helps the MC solve cases and all. I’m looking forward to it!

  5. Great books you got there! Hope you’ll enjoy them 🙂

    Happy Reading!
    Filia @ Anima Libri – Booksoul

    My IMM

  6. Obviously, you know how NOT CALM I am after reading the summary and your blurb about The Golden Door.


    Please read it ASAP and then tell me all about it so I can pace around my house anxiously until I can buy a copy of my own.

  7. Ooh, great ones. I hope you enjoy them 🙂

  8. ratherbereadingblog says

    Totally bought Code Name Verity this week! I posted about it, too. Definitely a little nervous because of how deeply emotional I’ve heard it is. Prepping myself mentally for that book. 🙂

  9. Hm Burn for Burn sounds pretty interesting! Maybe I’ll try requesting it on NetGalley! Thanks! Enjoy your books 🙂

    Here’s what I got this week!

  10. Awesome haul! Looks like you have some wonderful reading in your future! 🙂

    Thanks for sharing,

  11. Ohhh my goodness. Okay, Secret Letters sounds phenomenal! I’m a huge nerd for anything Holmes-y. & a secret child? YES PLEASE.

    The Golden Door…well. I think that one speaks for itself. I’ll definitely be adding that one to my list.

    & is that a Game of Thrones reference I see?

  12. So I’m way behind on blog posts after moving & am just now catching up. BUT I seriously cannot tell you how many times I’ve seen Code Name Verity mentioned in posts from this past week. I think the universe is telling me to buy it. I’m going to & then I’m going to blame it on the universe (and blogs like yours) when my husband asks me why. 🙂