In My Mailbox (34)

July 1, 2012

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren. It’s awesome. Every week, we all get a chance to tell everyone what new books we’ve gotten so that we can tell you guys and we can all drool and squee together! Huzzah for squees!

Small mailbox this week, guys, but that doesn’t mean that I didn’t SQUEAL and DIE from excitement! Because I did.


Book cover for Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry

Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry (July 31, 2012 from Harlequin Teen). Edgy contemp from Harlequin Teen about kids who basically have an opposites attract kind of thing going on? YES FOREVER. I’ve heard lots of excellent things about this one, friends. Also, the guy’s name is Noah. LOVE that name.

Book cover for Spellbinding by Maya Gold

Spellbinding by Maya Gold (April 2013 from Scholastic Point). So guys, this is a book about the Salem witches. I can say no more except OBVIOUSLY I requested this one, even though I’m trying to avoid NetGalley like the PLAGUE. The cover is a little horrible, but the story–about a descendant of a Salem witch who basically discovers that she shares their magical gifts–sounds SO much like a me book, I can’t even tell you.

Book cover for The Brides of Rollrock Island by Margo Lanagan

The Brides of Rollrock Island by Margo Lanagan (September 11, 2012 from Random House Children’s). So ok. I really couldn’t pass this title up, guys, because I’ve been DYING for it. It’s already been published in its native Australia, and it just sounds so fabulous. It’s about, from what I gather, selkies. And a witch. And men who go to Rollrock Island to catch themselves a wife. Like I said: DYING.




Such a Rush by Jennifer Echols (July 10, 2012 from MTV Books). Umm…OMG. So, a couple months ago, Jennifer Echols, whom I fangirl for life, tweeted that she had a bunch of this ARC to give away. Of course, I wanted one. Of course, I wasn’t fast enough (it was first come, first serve). But Jennifer said that she would keep our names and stuff and send us copies if she ever had more to give away. Which is awesome. I forgot about the whole thing not long after, though. UNTIL THIS WEEK, when a package showed up on the mail, from Jennifer, with a signed copy of SUCH A RUSH inside. I DIE. Thank you so much, Jennifer!!!


Book cover for Small Medium at Large by Joanne Levy

Small Medium at Large by Joanne Levy (July 3, 2012 from Bloomsbury). This sounds like a really fun middle grade about a young girl who is struck by lightening and is all of a sudden able to hear dead people. One of the dead people she can hear? Her grandmother, who sounds like a brassy old lady. I’m really looking forward to this one, guys. Thanks, Lisa, for running the tour for this one!

That’s it for me this week, guys! Small but still AWESOME, right?! Hope you guys got some super stuff this week, too!


  1. LALALALA Totally pretending that signed copy of Such a Rush doesn’t exist. And Spellbinding sounds awesomeeeeeeee – I am all over the witchy goodness.

  2. That’s awesome that Jennifer Echols sent you a signed copy!! How exciting is that? Such a Rush is on my wishlist — the cover is so pretty!

    Enjoy all your reading!

  3. OMG I am so with you on Brides of Rollrock. I’m so strict with myself about how many NetGalley titles I can request, but I just HAD to get this one. So freaking excited. Grats on the Jennifer Echols book as well, that’s so incredibly sweet of her!

  4. I really want to read Such a Rush it looks great, I hope you enjoy all your books!

    Here’s my IMM it’d be great if you get a chance to pop over and have a look –

    Happy reading,

  5. Totally awesome that Jennifer Echols! So great that she surprised you with a copy!

  6. I want to read Pushing the Limits soooo bad. I’ll be sure and catch your review. And I can’t wait to read Such A Rush- looks like a great book. Here’s my IMM:
    ~Shelby @ Gobs and Gobs of Books

  7. OHMAGERSHHHHH signed Jennifer Echols? I DIE, yo. I DIE.

    Also. I die a little over Pushing The Limits too, I have heard that one is full of the sexay.

  8. Ohhh you have to tell me how Pushing the Limits is because I am a lover of all opposites attract novels.