Recommend A…(7)

Recommend A... meme

…Contemporary Book

Guys, I can’t tell you how ecstatic I was when Shanyn from Chick Loves Lit announced that she was starting this awesome meme. Shanyn’s AWESOME Recommend A… meme is finally giving me the chance to cater to my inner nerd for specificity and randomness!! AND I LOVE IT. So props to Shanyn, who is fab for starting this up. I’m looking forward to giving some attention to books that might have missed everyone’s radar for one reason or another. Woo hoo!

Book cover for Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley

Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley. This book is Aussie magic. I loved it, and the way the romance between Lucy and Shadow is MAJOR slow burn. It takes place over just one night, and that’s the perfect atmosphere for this book. A stellar contemporary.

Book cover for Dtiched: A Love Story by Robin Mellom

Ditched: A Love Story by Robin MellomAH! This book is so much fun! There’s the hideous prom dress, apropos of a HIDEOUS prom. DITCHED is cute, funny, heartwarming, and a great, promising debut.

book cover for Playing Hurt by Holly Schindler

Playing Hurt by Holly Schindler. I need to review this one, friends. It is LEGIT. The relationship is hot and sexy, the emotional baggage is kind of intense but not overly emo, and the atmosphere is super. Big fan of this one, guys.


  1. Graffiti Moon has been on my tbr for awhile now. My library doesn’t have it (boo!), so I’ll probably end up having to buy it when I get around to it.

  2. Graffiti Moon is one of my favorite contemporary books! It’s just such a fast-paced read, but still with a meaty story to it 😉

  3. The only one of this list that I’ve read is Graffiti Moon but I really loved it!