Recommend A…(10)

Recommend A... meme

…Book You Read This Year

Recommend A… is a SUPER meme hosted by Shanyn from Chick Loves Lit that lets us get a little random, and a little off the radar. I LOVE IT.

I’ve read SO many great books this year, guys. Seriously. Obviously I have a hard time only recommending one book as it is, but suffice it to say, this was an especially difficult list to narrow down. Here are three of my favorites so far:

Book cover for Unraveling by Elizabeth NorrisUnraveling (Unraveling #1) by Elizabeth Norris. Guys, this book surprised me with not only how much I loved it, but with how much it WASN’T what I thought it would be. The twist was pretty much the opposite of what I thought it would be. It was awesome.

Book cover for Wanderlove by Kirsten Hubbard

Wanderlove by Kirsten Hubbard. A solid contemporary/travelogue/coming-of-age/romance/AWESOME. There aren’t a ton of books around that are so vibrant that the places and the people just kind of hum themselves off the pages. WANDERLOVE is like that. Good stuff.

Book cover for Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles #1) by Marissa Meyer. If you haven’t yet read this sci-fi/dystopian retelling of Cinderella…you need to fix that pretty much ASAP. I’m not a huge science fiction reader/viewer/consumer, but when I do find something from that genre that I love, I love it HARD. CINDER is pretty genius. It’s clever, well-written, gripping, and a super beginning to what’s sure to be an amazing series.


  1. I love that we both rec’d Cinder. I think you may be my long lost book twin.

  2. I still haven’t read Unraveling but i know I really wanted to based on your review! I adored Wanderlove and totally want to recommend the heck out of it!

  3. So far, I’ve only read Wanderlove from the ones on your list. Better get to reading Unraveling and Cinder soon!

  4. Gosh! I have both Unraveling (borrowed from the fabulous Lisa the Nerd) and Wanderlove ready to go, but I haven’t read them yet! Both are on the front of my mind too. Unraveling is actually near the top of my print TBR pile. Cinder, YES. Can’t wait for the series to be out in its entirety. I’m thinking of waiting on it to be out fully before I finish it. I don’t know if I can do it, but I almost want to…