Recommend A…(12)

Recommend A... meme

…Book That Someone Recommended To You

Recommend A… is a SUPER meme hosted by Shanyn from Chick Loves Lit that lets us get a little random, and a little off the radar. I LOVE IT.

I’ve been given some incredibly solid recommendations before, guys. These are three of my favorites. Books that, once I read them, I couldn’t believe I hadn’t read them sooner.

Book cover for The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

The Name of the Wind: The Kingkiller Chronicle #1 by Patrick Rothfuss. Do yourselves a favor and read this book. Seriously. One of the best books I’ve ever read, and I have basically every bloggy friend I have to thank for pushing me to pick this on up off my shelves and finally read it.

Book cover for Eon by Alison Goodman

Eon: Dragoneye Reborn: Eon/Eona #1 by Alison Goodman. One of my friends from library school told me about this book and how great it was. I read it based on her recommendation, and the fact that it’s an Asian-based fantasy about dragons, something I haven’t read much about. I’m not sure I can read another fantasy in an Asian-esque world without comparing it to this one.

Book cover for Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

Vampire Academy: Vampire Academy #1 by Richelle Mead. I know, I know. This is not a random, unknown book. But seriously, I was burned out from the vamps, guys. This series made me wary. But EVERYONE told me that this was series was amazing. Everyone. And everyone was not a liar. I read this series–five books–in pretty much a week. So good.


  1. Just finished Eon a couple days ago (OMG IT WAS SO GOOD), and I have two more books to read before I start The Name of the Wind, which I am super excited to read thanks to yours and April’s recommendations.

  2. I have heard great things about Eon and it’s sequel Eona. Every positive remark on it makes me realize I need to put it higher and higher on my tbr list. Name of the Wind also sounds great. Great choices!

  3. All three of those titles are just sitting on my shelf.


    I have Eon on my shelf. I have flipped thru it to see the detailing on the inside, but I have yet to read it. Hopefully soon.

    I really want to read The Vampire Academy books but I have made no move toward actually putting the first book in my hand nor possession.

    (Can you see the trickle-down effect here? I can.)