It’s Alive!!!

Hello, friends!! It’s been a CRAZY week and a half in my neck of the woods, what with hurricanes and nor’easters and other vengeful weather events, and things are just starting to get back to normal A LITTLE BIT. For me, that means I can sleep in my own bed again and take hot showers and watch TV and come back here, to you. But I’m lucky. BIG TIME. I’m thankful for all of your good thoughts, though. They were SUPER, and so sweet.

I’m hoping to get things up and running again on le blog by this weekend. Because even though I wasn’t able to actually BLOG about anything for almost two weeks, I’ve been reading lots. Truly, the only bonus of being powerless and a gypsy for 10 days.

It’s great to be back, friends! My world wasn’t the same without YOU!


  1. Welcome back! <3


  3. Welcome back! SO GLAD YOU ARE OKAY!
