Blogger Love-A-Thon Interview

Book Blogger Love-A-ThonSay Hi To Justin from Justin’s Book Blog!

I’m so excited to be participating in this completely wonderful event hosted by Alexa from Alexa Loves Books and Katelyn from Tales of Books and Bands.  Thanks so much for putting this big blogger love-fest together, ladies.

I’m also excited to let you guys get to know Justin from Justin’s Book Blog a little bit better! So without further ado…TO THE INTERVIEW!

1. Give us a few details about yourself! How long have you been blogging? What’s your real life like when you AREN’T blogging?

I’ve been blogging for almost 2 years now, will be 2 years this August. It’s something I wasn’t extremely serious about when I started blogging but over time it has become something that I couldn’t see myself not doing. As for what I do outside of blogging? I mainly just read and do school work, that is mainly all my life will consist of for the next six years or so. Going for a degree in Mechanical Engineering, so I got a lot ahead of me. Really doesn’t leave much free time.

2. What is your favorite quote from a book? Why this one? (Or more, if you can’t narrow it down that far!)

I really had to think about this one. There are so many great quotes in books, but there is one that really stands out in my mind. It is probably one of the more iconic book quotes from my childhood. There really isn’t anything to spectacular about it, but considering how young I was in 1998 when the book came out here in the US I just really loved when this quote was said in the book.

“It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.”
― Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone by J.K. Rowling

3. What is the last book you read and gave five stars to? What made it so special?

As of typing this, the last book I gave five stars was The Edge of Never by J.A. Redmerski. This book was absolutely incredible. It is New Adult, which is a genre I really want to get into more as the year goes on. If you haven’t had the chance to read it yet, I highly suggest checking it out.

4. Is there one book that you’ve always wanted to read but haven’t yet? Which one? 

Wow, there are so many. One that comes to mind is The Maze Runner by James Dashner. I have had this book forever, but have never got around to actually reading it yet. One of these days I will though.

5. Have participated in any blogging or bookish events? Which ones? Any favorite memories?

I’m guessing you mean things such as ALA, BEA, etc. If so, no I haven’t. I do want to though, and I plan to try to go to ALA in Chicago later this year but we will have to see. As far as just normal signings go, I have been to two of them. The most memorable being one for Jen Calonita and Jackson Pearce. The reason that one is so memorable is because that was the first time I had met someone that recognized me from my blog and that was pretty awesome and I made a pretty great friend having met her.

6. What is the most recent book blog you added to your reader? Which one has been there the longest?

You know, I honestly don’t even use Google Reader. I did use it some when I started, but it has been a very long time. So I honestly can’t even answer this. I mainly use Twitter and other things to find different posts.

7. In your heart of hearts, do you prefer books with happy endings, or ones with endings that are less so?

I like happy endings, but I don’t really like it to be clear from the start. I like books that have moments that really make you wonder how it will turn out in the end. I know that is a short answer, but I can’t think of a better way to put it.

8. What are some of your favorite posts from your blog? 

Some of my favorite blog posts would have to be all my author and blogger interviews that I have done. I love getting to interview authors because it allows me to dig around and try to figure out what they were really aiming for with a book or whatever the topic of the interview might be. And I love getting to interview other book bloggers because it allows me to get to know more bloggers than I would otherwise. You can see my author and blogger interviews here:

9. Do you have an ereader? Do you prefer it over printed books? Why or why not?

I do, I have an older Kindle looking to upgrade it to the new Paperwhite here soon. Not really a fan of the colored readers/tablets. As for what I prefer more.. I prefer printed books when it comes to the finished version of a book. However, when it comes to galleys I prefer to have them on the ereader.

10. What’s the best, most satisfying thing to you about book blogging?

There are a lot of wonderful things about book blogging, but one of the most enjoyable is just being able to do what I love and get more people interested in all of the awesome books that are out there. Know that might sound cheesy, but having someone tell you that you convinced them to pick up a certain book and that they also enjoyed it is one of the best feelings ever as a blogger. And I don’t see myself cutting blogging out of my life anytime soon.

Thanks so much for your great answers, Justin! Now, everyone go check out his blog; it’s super!


  1. Oh Justin is full of awesome! I love the Harry Potter quote so much because 1) it’s awesome and 2) it’s true. My best friend and I stand up to each other all the time (it doesn’t help that we agree on about 5% of things that come out of our mouths and neither one of us are wrong…ever lol!) Great interview!

  2. Good interview!! I really enjoyed this, particularly because it was a guy blogger! So many of us are females…. I look forward to checking out Justin’s take on books— I’m sure it will be refreshing, similar to the way it feels when a book is told from a male POV!

    Nice to meet you Justin! 🙂

  3. I really wish I could go to book event! Good luck on your quest to do the same. That quote you chose really tickled my heart. It’s so simple yet it speaks a bold truth. Funny that we were so young reading such powerful words.

    I am not a Google Reader user either. Heck, I don’t think I know what it is. Lol. This was an engaging interview, and I wish both of you the best in your blogging stretch.

    PS. Yay, for a male book blogger up in here! Woot Woot!

  4. Yes, go read The Maze Runner right now! It’s mind-bendy and crazy and awesome. That series has a forever spot on my favorites shelf 😀

  5. That’s one of my favorite HP quotes, Harry Potter has some pretty amazing ones. Justin you have to read The Maze Runner!! Is soooo good! =D

  6. Great interview, Amy!!! So interesting that Justin doesn’t use a reader, but that must be so freeing haha!! I know I’m a slave to my reader and constantly check to make sure I didn’t miss any posts…. Even when I’m too lazy to comment (shame on me)!
    On my way to go read your answers 🙂

  7. It’s really exciting to see a male book blogger since there aren’t that many out there! Justin’s a guy I’ve talked to on Twitter and his blog is great! I LOVE the quote he chose!

  8. Thanks so much for interviewing me Amy, it was a lot of fun! 🙂

  9. Woo another fellow engineer!! I minored in Mechanical Engineering! You do have your work cut out for you but it’ll also be exciting and incredible rewarding!! Good luck!!

    I bough the Edge of Never and it is sitting on my kindle, I plan to start it soon. As for the Maze Runner, I didn’t enjoy the series as much as I hoped but I hope you like it more than I did!

    Great interview!!

    Nicole @ The Quiet Concert

  10. Awww, I agree the best part of blogging is convincing people to read certain books. It is such a COOL feeling.

    AND OMG it’s also fun being recognized at book events and making book event friends.

    And yay engineering — someone’s going to be employed after college ha ha.

  11. “There are a lot of wonderful things about book blogging, but one of the most enjoyable is just being able to do what I love and get more people interested in all of the awesome books that are out there. ” – THIS.

  12. What a great interview! It was awesome getting to know you a little bit better Justin. I do hope you get a chance to go to ALA – it’s amazing to go to one of those big events (I did BEA for the first time last year!).

    Thanks for joining in on the love-a-thon!