Top Ten Tuesday | Books I Want to Reread

Top Ten TuesdayTop Ten Books I Want to Reread

GUYSSSS REREADING IS MY JAM. I love it. I LOVE IT. I’m constantly rereading books, sometimes in print, sometimes via audio, which is one of my favorite ways to reread. However I do it, I always wind up rereading at least 5 books every year. I have a few standard rereads–THE SCORPIO RACES, THE SKY IS EVERYWHERE, ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS, AMY & ROGER’S EPIC DETOUR–but I’m hoping to reread these 10 books, too. WOOO REREADS!!!!!

Top Ten Tuesday rereads


1. OUTLANDER by Diana Gabaldon. So I know people are in the midst of Outlander fever right now, which I totally get and is completely awesome. I’ve reread OUTLANDER once and got about halfway through DRAGONFLY IN AMBER before my attention was dragged away by something new. But watching the show has reignited my desire to reread these books.

2. LOVELY, DARK, AND DEEP by Amy McNamara. Are you guys sick of me mentioning this book yet? Yes, no? I need to get on my reread of this, but I think I’m going to wait for the wintertime. This book takes place in Maine in the winter and it’s such a perfect atmosphere. LOVE THIS BOOK.

3. Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. The books on this list are constantly on my mind, even after I’ve read them, sometimes years later. Immediately upon finishing HEIR OF FIRE I was like “OMG I NEED ALL OF THESE AGAIN.” I’ve got the audiobooks so I’m going to audio reread these in the new year. WHOOP!

4. THE BURNING SKY by Sherry Thomas. I need to reread this one before I pick up book 2. I very much enjoyed this alternate world fantasy. Definitely need to hop on the reread ASAP.

5. EVERY BREATH by Ellie Marney. Guys. MYCROFT. I CANNOT BECAUSE I DIE. This book was fantastic. Like, FABULOUS. I bought the first two from the Australian publisher and I just need to dive in again. AHHHH! Wonderful.

6. THE 5TH WAVE by Rick Yancey. I have my fingers crossed for this movie you guys because this book was so gripping and mind-fucking and excellent. I have book 2 in my piles somewhere ready to be under my nose.

7. SEA OF TRANQUILITY by Katja Millay.  Friends, what’s Katja been up to lately? THE SEA OF TRANQUILITY was raw and emotional and intense, and I loved it.

8. SERAPHINA by Rachel Hartman. DRAGONS ARE EVERYTHING. I’m beyond BEYOND excited for SHADOW SCALE, but it’s been a while so I am in need of and looking forward to a refresher.

9. TIGER LILY by Jodi Lynn Anderson. This is a book that I’ve reread passages of but never the whole thing. It was so lovely and heartbreaking that I probably have to be in the mood for it, but it’s so lovely and heartbreaking that I need to read it again.

10. SCARLET by A.C. Gaughen. Robin Hood WHAT! I need to reread this one before I read book 2 and, soon, book 3. I didn’t LOVE Scarlet right away, but ROBIN HOOD.


  1. I really, really need to read the rest of the Throne of Glass series, because I didn’t enjoy the first one as much as I would’ve liked to, but I plan on reading the rest soon! I absolutely adored Seraphina though, I’m so excited for Shadow Scale

  2. I really need to read The 5th Wave. I keep saying I’m going to, but I haven’t managed to read it yet. I really like the format of your list as a graphic to start; it’s really cool.

  3. I have the audios for Throne of Glass too and that’s on my list today EXCEPT I never made it past Throne of Glass the first time and FOR SHAME I guess because I’m lame? No, I’m quite sure it was the hype so I’m giving the series another go. And I read (and I have even reread) Outlander but I haven’t even made it to DiA yet because of the big book hangover I always get from book one but I guess I need to get over that business, right? Yep. Being forced to read book two because of television is one way to do it, I guess.

  4. I love to re-read too, and definitely re-reading via audio is awesome! The only book I’ve read on your list, though, is The Sea of Tranquility. Which I liked, but am not really dying to re-read. However, I would totally love to re-read (via audiobook!!!) The Scorpio Races because STEVE WEST! And the story is beautiful – but STEVE WEST!

  5. Some top good quality books ever. Specially Sea of TRANQUILITY and The Burning Sky are the nest to me. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Rereading the Throne of Glass series is always the right thing to do. Just saying. In fact, just seeing you mention it makes me want to reread it again… Ahem. Also, Seraphina! I am so, so excited that Shadow Scale is FINALLY going to be released, so I definitely want to reread that one too 🙂