Excuse Me While I Fangirl: Felicity Merriman

Felicity Merriman

Felicity Merriman

Guys, I don’t know a better way to simultaneously nerd out, reminisce, AND celebrate the Fourth of July than shouting my love of one of the original American Girls (like, LITERALLY because she lived during the American Revolution), Felicity Merriman, sister, daughter, friend, horse-lover, ginger, needlepoint-hater, and Benjamin Davidson-crusher. You know what else I can’t ignore? Her name is one of my favorite words:

Felicity Merriman

The bottom line is this: I LOVED the American Girl series when I was growing up (or, you know, I still have a huge soft spot for them now), and Felicity was my favorite, hands down.

Felicity Merriman

So, here’s the deal with my girl, Felicity. Her family calls her Lissie, which is freaking ADORABLE. She’s  lives in Williamsburg, VA, with her mom, Marth, her dad, Edward, and her younger sibs, a sister, Nan and a brother, William. Her father runs a general store that also happens to serve as gathering spot for information as the 13 Colonies slowly descend into rebellion. Benjamin Davidson is an apprentice at her father’s store, and y’all, Lissie and Ben are basically FATED to be together, I’m convinced. I shipped them before I even knew what that was. I’m clearly not the only one, either: there’s a tumblr for this ship called Stolen Breeches, after a memorable incident in MEET FELICITY where she steals a pair of Ben’s pants to wear on her nighttime quest to save a horse, Penny (more on her in a sec).

Felicity Merriman

Shailene Woodley and Kevin Zegers played my American Girl OTP in Felicity: An American Girl Adventure

Anyway, the Merrimans, like all families in the colonies at the time are forced to take sides in the conflict with England. OF COURSE, Felicity and her family are Patriots (her father stops selling tea in his store waaaay before everyone else does). This leads to high drama, as well as normal, everyday shenanigans, which are inevitable because of Lissie’s spirit and independence.

For real, Felicity is an amazing, brave, impulsive girl, who believes in fighting for what’s right. She can’t sit still, and is very headstrong, but HOLY CRAP I always admired her pluck.

Also, she has a GORGEOUS horse named Penny–short for Independence–that she saved from the gross douchnozzle, Jiggy Nye. They are BESTIES.

Felicity Merriman

For all that I love Felicity–and all the American Girls, to be honest–it makes me sad to see how the original ones, the ones that I knew and loved and read about voraciously when I was young, are falling out of favor or being outright DISCONTINUED, like, alas, my red-haired girl here. Maybe it’s just a sign of me being old, or maybe it’s a sign of me be averse to change, but who are all these RANDOM whippersnappers they have now? They have an American Girl from the 1960s California, for crying out loud! And listen, that’s an incredibly important time in our nation’s history, too, and a vibrant culture. But Felicity was literally present during THE BIRTH OF OUR NATION. WT actual F? Don’t play me like that, American Girl. DON’T EVEN.

Anyway, the reason that I’m giving my girl Lissie some props today is because the American Revolution–the thing we celebrate today in my neck of the woods, and many of yours–was the backdrop of her life, and it’s the historical period that I, a history NERD, love the most. And that is almost entirely thanks to Felicity, and these books.

Happy Fourth of July, friends!

Excuse Me While I Fangirl: Supernatural



Friends, I’ve just been talking on Twitter about one of my favorite shows of ALL TIME, Supernatural, and it got me thinking: It’s about time I shouted out my love for this show up in here! Because honestly, I’ve never missed a single episode. I watched the first episode of season 1 the night that it first aired, and I’m going to ride it til it dies (which is hopefully NEVER). Other shows have come and gone in the time that I’ve been a Supernatural fan, but it remains a constant in my life. I can’t complain about this EVER because DEAN WINCHESTER (played by Jensen Ackles):


You are welcome. (Source)

Because I ADORE that this show isn’t just about the beasties and demons and angels and witches–it’s also about brothers and family and responsibility and sacrifice. IT IS THE VERY BEST SHOW. I am not lying. There are no two characters on TV right now who are more complicated, screwed up, sad, and wounded than Sam and Dean Winchester, and I just want to squish them both with hugs.

In honor of my love, a few gifs for you:


This is what I do at the end of every–awesome–episode. Before I cry that the episode is over. (Source)

Supernatural Supernatural 2 Supernatural

Gotta get some Castiel love up in here because, honestly, Supernatural has always been awesome, but when Castiel showed up in Season 4 it was basically MIND = BLOWN and he’s been hugely important and hilarious and heartbreaking ever since. (Source)

Superantural 6 Supernatural 7 Supernatural 8 Supernatural

LOOK AT THE FEELS ON THEIR FACES. Listen, life for Dean and Sam Winchester is mostly horrible. They can’t have relationships, people important to them die all the time, they’re constantly on the run from some evil demon or other, and they have the salvation of basically THE WHOLE EARTH on their shoulders. It’s an isolating, bleak life. The one thing that they can rely on (most of the time) is each other, and given that they’re legacies with their feet firmly in the middle of a steaming pile of suck, they have an intense connection. Sam and Dean are “I will always and forever die for you” brothers. It’s FIERCE and usually makes me cry. (Source)

But hey, there are some bright spots, sometimes. One of them is Bobby Singer. He’s a gruff SOB who’s like a father to Sam and Dean. He swears at them, drinks beers, and has an encyclopedic knowledge of demon beasties under his dirty trucker cap. LOVE HIM. (Source)


And honestly, Supernatural wouldn’t be the same without Dean’s baby, his black 1967 Chevy Impala. Guys, Dean and the Impala are LOVEBIRDS. The car is as much a part of Dean and this show as any of the other characters. It’s an icon. For real. (Source)


The bottom line is this: If you don’t watch this show, correct yourself. If the incentives of creepy supernaturals, family drama, and brotherly love aren’t enough for you, Supernatural has a couple of MONEY aces up its sleeves:


I’m only sorry that you’ll have to turn your heads sideways to get the best looks at this not-big-enough picture. Other than that, you are welcome. AGAIN. (Can’t find the source for this one, but I’ll update if any of you can find it!)

So, who’s with me? Lots of SPN fans out there? Newbies that I have brought into the fold? Let’s fangirl together!!

Happy Birthday, Pride and Prejudice

In Which We Celebrate the 200th Birthday of Pride and Prejudice, Belatedly

I know, friends. Th 200th birthday of PRIDE AND PREJUDICE was technically yesterday. I’m a little behind. But who said that we can’t celebrate this wonderful book EVERY day?! Not me. I always enjoy checking out different editions of books. I love to see the covers and the different designs. I especially love the way each different cover sends out different vibes. And because I was going for different, I shied away from using covers that have some kind of painting of a young, 19th century woman or women on the cover. We’ve all seen those, right friends? Check out these BEAUTIES instead! You can click the covers for links to Amazon or Barnes and Noble if you’re struck with the desire to flash these pretties on your own shelves!

Book cover for Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Dover Thrift Edition (part of a three-book set)

Book cover for Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Penguin Drop Cap Edition

(Just bought this one myself. It’s RED!)

Book cover for Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Popular Penguins Edition

Book cover for Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Splinter Edition


Book cover for Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Belknap/Harvard University Press Hardcover Annotated Edition

Book cover for Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Barnes and Noble Leatherbound Edition

Book cover for Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Amazon Digital Annotated Kindle Edition

Book cover for Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Signet Classics Edition

Book cover for Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Headline Publishing Edition

Book cover for Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

HarperTeen Edition

Book cover for Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Penguin Classics Clothbound Edition

Book cover for Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Illustrated by Hugh Thomson Edition

(This edition’s cover is ALL OVER the place: on shirts, bags, iPhone cases, ereader sleeves. EVERYWHERE.)

Book cover for Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Voyager Press 200th Anniversary Annotated Edition

Book cover for Pride and Prejudice

Digireads Edition

Book cover for Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Marvel Graphic Novel Volume 1

(I can’t even.)

Excuse Me While I Fangirl: RIP Merlin

Like all fans of the AWESOME tv show, Merlin, I was super sad last night when I saw the news that this season–currently airing in the UK, but coming to SyFy here in the states in January–is going to be the last one. WAAAAAHHHH!!! So sad! This just means that I’m going to have high hopes when new episodes start here for something EPIC and MIND-BLOWING.

In honor of our fearless king and his wizard, as well as my abiding love of superheros, I found these pics of Arthur, Merlin, Morgana, and the rest of the major knights photoshopped all artsy-fartsy as The Avengers. The only blemish is that they couldn’t find an Avenger counterpart for Guinevere. Alas.

Happy trails to you, friends. Keep fighting the good fight.

Sir Percival as Thor

Sir Elyan as the Hulk

Sir Leon as Hawkeye

Sir Gwaine as Iron Man

Morgana as Black Widow

King Arthur as Captain America

Merlin as Loki

*I have no actual idea where these images came from initially, but I found them (in these sizes, unfortunately) on Tumblr.

Excuse Me While I Fangirl: More Korra Art

Guys, I miss Legend of Korra SO HARD. Like, on Saturday mornings, I think of how there’s no new episodes on anymore and it makes me a little sad. So to help stave off my deep need for more Korra, Mako, Beifong, and the rest, I went searching for some arty Legend of Korra goodness on a great website for prints, Society 6. I think I found some super prints, too. *SIGH* Korra…I miss you, girl!

These prints link back to the pages on Society 6, where you can order one to hang in a place of prominence. Obviously. Thanks and PROPS to the artists!

Legend of Korra

Copyright by Glassy

Y’all KNOW I would find the map of Avatar world. (Even though I don’t know what it’s called.)

Avatar: The Last Airbender

Copyright by Monica McClain

Aang! Toph! Katara! ZUKO! The Gaang is all tribal up in here, friends. I love this one.

Avatar: The Last Airbender

Copyright by Imogen Scoppie

Seriously, super talented artist people? This print is so pretty! I love the turquoise and the orange. THESE TWO.

Legend of Korra

Copyright by Leesherv

Guys, this print is called “Portrait of a Hero.” OF COURSE it would be a print of Beifong. Would Legend of Korra be as fantastic as it is without Beifong kicking ass all over the place, making sacrifices and being a BAMF? No. No way.

Legend of Korra

Copyright by Oxfordwarhorse

I love this picture of Tenzin because, one, it’s an illustration, and I LOVE those. Two, the colors are perfect. Three, it’s TENZIN.

Legend of Korra

Copyright by Skylofts Merch

Umm, hello! Of course I’d rather be pro bending! Well, only if my teammates were Mako and Bolin, and only if there was none of that “stop pro bending forever because benders are the WORST” rhetoric going around. But YES to this.

Copyright by Leesherv

Water bending FTW! Actually, whenever I take any of those, “What element are you on Legend of Korra?” quizzes, I always end up an air bender. So maybe I should be saying, “Air bending FTW!” just to be consistent. But I do love this print, because Korra is  basically a superhero.

Copyright by Alice X. Zhang

So I love this print because I love the colors. It’s got blue for water, green for earth, red and orange for fire, and some more green/blue for air. All the elements. And I love how it looks like Korra’s got some flames coming off of her or something. Just awesome.

Dang, I love this world. I LOVE IT.

Excuse Me While I Fangirl: Legend of Korra Art

Legend of Korra Fanart

GUYS! There was no new Korra this weekend! EPIC SAD FACE. Curses upon you, Nickelodeon, for deciding to re-air the series premiere instead! If a recap is what you are searching for, Lisa @ Lisa Is Busy Nerding did an exceptional job with it. You should check it out. But to get me through my Korra Wednesday, I decided to give in to my minor obsession with Deviantart, the BEST website maybe EVER for fanart, prints, illustrations, photography, etc. It’s a great place to buy awesome prints from artists and also a SUPER place to indulge in nerdery. OBVIOUSLY I go there to see how other fans are interpreting some of my favorite fandoms: Korra, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, comic book characters, EVERYTHING. 

So without further ado, here are some of my favorite Deviantart images for Legend of Korra. Just a few. As always when I post images like this, click on the picture to enbiggen and check the source link in the caption. HOLLA and props to the artists, who are all amazing. Especially to a girl who’s stick figures are only vaguely humanoid. 

Love the illustration of Korra, Mako, and Bolin each drawn in their nation’s color. First time I saw this it reminded me of the Olympic rings. 

Umm, what? Legend of Korra stained glass artwork WITH Amon and mother effing AANG?! I’m a little bothered by how HUGE Amon is, but whatever. I’m a sucker for stained glass. So pretty!

Korra, going all avatar on our asses. Which hasn’t actually happened yet. I don’t think. I’m pretty sure I’d remember if Korra all of a sudden had eyes that glowed like that. But can you guys NOT EVEN WAIT ANYMORE to see Korra put a smackdown like this on Amon!? Me neither. 

*Fans self* Mako, even though you are a cartoon, you are FINE. I would never, EVER ask you to stop wearing your dad’s scarf, or make you wear a bathing suit that covered your insanely sculpted chest. I MIGHT ask you to wear that pageboy cap again, though. *fans self*

I had a hard time finding a picture where Bolin actually looked like a badass, but I like this one. He’s fistpumping that Earth! Guys, I LOVE Bolin. I don’t ship him and Korra, but I love him. His girl better be ACE. 

THIS is my ship…

…and THIS is why. THE GAZING. One of my favorite ways to cuddle. I love that his scarf is draped over her mouth, like they’re connected by it, and the way his hand is almost playing with her hair, which I LOVE x infinity. SIGH. LOVE.

I love a good black and white picture, friends, whether illustration or photo. This is so pretty. Just Korra and her polar bear dog together. Also, I WANT A NAGA so badly. Please and thank you.

GAH!! PABU!! So stinking adorable. And I love how he’s rolling around in Bolin’s noodle bowl. How could you not love this face?

The two avatars. LOVE IT. 

My Bookish Loves: Part the First

My Bookish Loves

So a little while back I saw a post by Asheley from Into the Hall of Books–a SUPER blogger whom I adore–about some of her favorite bookish things and when I read it, I was like, “YES! I LOVE ALL THE THINGS! I am inspired!” Because I have lots of little things about books that just…make me giddy. They aren’t always big things, or immediately noticeable things, but every time I set eyes on one of these little quirks, it makes me happier to have discovered both it and the book that brought it to me. 

So here we go! Just a few of my favorite book nerdy things. Trust me, though: There’s more where this came from. You’ll probably see it soon, too. 


One of my favorite colors. One of my favorite stones to wear as jewelry. When I see turquoise on a book, it immediately catches my eye and my fancy. Not blue. TURQUOISE. 

The Iron King (Iron Fey #3) by Julie Kagawa

The Lost Hero (Heroes of Olympus #1) by Rick Riordan

Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

The Penderwicks on Gardam Street (The Penderwicks #2) by Jeanne Birdsall

Weird trim sizes

So typically, the trim sizes on most of the books we read are somewhere between 6 x 9 or 7 x 10. That’s all perfectly fine. So when I notice a book that is obviously more square, or much smaller, or much larger (without being a picture book, mind you), it immediately makes my book nerd INSANELY happy. Like, CRAZY happy. 

Going Too Far by Jennifer Echols

Game of Thrones: The Graphic Novel, Volume 1 by George R.R. Martin, Daniel Abraham (writer), and Tommy Patterson (illustrator)

Savvy (Savvy #1) by Ingrid Law

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness


I love maps so much that I had to include them here, even though I’m trying to keep this list superficial (only things on the outside of books rather than inside). I even posted about some of my favorites because I love them so much, and think they are so important, especially in fantasies. 

The Hero’s Guide to Saving Your Kingdom by Christopher Healy

A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire #1) by George R.R. Martin

Title fonts that grow organically out of things on the cover

I LOVE THIS. I’m not talking about pretty fonts. Or cool-looking fonts. I’m talking about words that grow out of trees or serve as a component of the cover art itself. Seriously, this is one of my most nerdy bookish loves. It tells me that the people who designed the cover know what the book is about, and they take COHESION between the cover and the text inside seriously. WORD!

Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White

Supergirl Mixtapes by Megan Brothers

The Sinister Sweetness of Splendid Academy by Nikki Loftin

Embossing/stamps/foil on the hard covers

Take those case covers off once and awhile, friends, and you might discover some perfect little details underneath. It’s like the cover has these awesome little secrets. 

A Dance With Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire #5) by George R.R. Martin

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary (Fablehaven #4) by Brandon Mull

The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games #1) by Suzanne Collins

Savvy (Savvy #1) by Ingrid Law

Spine titles that are written horizontally not vertically

Easier to read, friends. And not so common, either. 

Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour by Morgan Matson

The Name of the Wind (The Kingkiller Chronicle #1) by Patrick Rothfuss

Lowercase fonts/two different fonts in the same title

LOVE the lowercase titles, and ESPECIALLY love the two different fonts in the same title. Just like the way they look, guys. 

If I Stay (If I Stay #1) by Gayle Forman

Linger (The Wolves of Mercy Falls #2) by Maggie Stiefvater

The Sky Is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson

The Summer I Turned Pretty (Summer #1) by Jenny Han

Playing Hurt by Holly Schindler

Fantasy Map Love

Not All Who Wander Are Lost

(Or, why I could easily navigate the way to Rabbit’s House/Monsea/the Gryffindor Common Room etc.)

So, maybe by now you guys know that I love fantasy. If you didn’t, well, I love fantasy. ADORE IT. When I read a high fantasy book that has a map, it instantly is one of my favorite things about that book. And when I read a high fantasy book that DOESN’T have a map? I feel like a big part of that book is missing. I want to be able to know the world, to see it, to understand how the author imagined the world as they were writing. Maps are, in my opinion, pivotal for context. Also, they’re pretty and often look old or antique, and this just tickles my history-loving fancy.

Because of this love, I wanted to show you some great fantasy maps. Some of these are from the books themselves, some of them are not. It’s certainly not an exhaustive list, but you can click on each to enbiggen. There were great maps that I couldn’t find images of online. I tried to keep it YA/MG, so it’s possible that I’ll highlight some adult high fantasies in future map nerdings.

But what do you guys think? Do you love maps like I do? What one map is a particular awesome favorite of yours? What fantasy that you’ve read most NEEDED a map (my personal vote for this is THE LOST CONSPIRACY)?

100 Acre Wood, by A.A. Milne

So, my map love probably started with this one: The 100 Acre Wood. I remember watching this cartoon in the mornings and loving how each episode started with a look at the map. SIGH. Winnie the Pooh 4 LIFE!!!

The Seven Kingdoms from Graceling, by Jeffery C. Mathison

The Dells from Fire, by Jefferey C. Mathison

Both of these maps appear in the published books of GRACELING and FIRE, so if you’ve read those books, you’ve seen these maps. But I still think they’re awesome and cool to look at and I LOVE Kristin Cashore, so Seven Kingdoms map love!

Ravka from Shadow and Bone, by Keith Thompson

You guys, I was already geeking out with excitement for SHADOW AND BONE by Leigh Bardugo when she posted this map of Ravka on her website a couple of months ago. If you haven’t seen it already, it’s totally worth an enbiggening. Plus, the illustrator, Keith Thompson, is the mad genius behind the interior illustrations in Scott Westerfeld’s Leviathan series.

Kingdom of Tortall, by Haley

Tamora Pierce writes SERIOUSLY amazing girl-power high fantasy and I LOVE it. There are so many great maps of Tortall, in the books and elsewhere, but I like this one. One of my favorite things about Tamora Pierce’s books is that they all take place in the same world, so each book we read only furthers our familiarity with the places. SWEET!

Llyvraneth, by Mike Schley

I haven’t read STARCROSSED by Elizabeth C. Bunce yet, but it’s sitting right next to me as we speak. I will read this one ASAP.

Map of Hogwarts, by gamma-ray-burst. Harry Potter fans, you can download this map from this artist's Deviantart page!

Seriously. AWESOME. I love this Hogwarts map. LOVE IT.

Narnia, by Daniel Reeve

So, I’ve never read the Chronicles of Narnia–GASP!–but that doesn’t stop me from appreciating the map, friends. 

Excuse Me While I Fangirl: Game of Thrones DVD

A Song of Ice and Fire, George R.R. Martin, Westeros, Seven Kingdoms, Iron Throne, Kings Landing, Winterfell, Stark, Lannister, Baratheon, Targaryen, Jon Snow, Ned Stark, Robert Baratheon, Tyrion Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Arya, Joffrey, Night's Watch, Fantasy, Series, HBO

BIG DAY at Amy’s house today, friends. Big day. I’m even wearing my House Stark shirt in celebration and honor (because, in the end, the Starks are always right. Winter Is Coming). I can’t describe to you how HARD I nerd Game of Thrones, both the TV show and the books on which it is based. So when I first found out the release date of the TV show’s first season on DVD, I preordered that shizz. And, friends, the DVDs arrived in the mail today.

Because HBO is BOSS and because the world of ASoIaF is so vibrant and fully imagined, there’s all manner of teeny awesome things about the DVDs (and one SUPER COOL thing that is nergasm-worthy. To me, anyway). And because I have nowhere else to fly my nerd flag, you guys are just going to have to indulge me a few images and some mild-to-obscene gushing. If you don’t mind. Ok? I THANK YOU in advance. (Also, you can click on any of the images to enbiggen them!)

[Read more…]

Excuse Me While I Fangirl: Arrow

He maybe looks creepy, but I SWEAR, Green Arrow is a good guy. Image Credit: DC Comics

So maybe you guys don’t know that, while I am in NO WAY an expert on comics, I WAS a big fan of the CW show Smallville. (Ahem. TOM WELLING. Ahem.) I jumped on the bandwagon a little late, but once I did, I was completely hooked and 100% invested until the series finale aired last spring. Without question, Smallville was the thing that made me interested in comics. I read up on them, got geek-excited when superhero movies came out, and DROOLED over the aforementioned Mr. Welling and also his TV show bff, Justin Hartley, aka Green Arrow. There’s something really inherently appealing about comic books and superhero canon to me because it’s all about RIDING TIL YOU DIE. Comics are made so that people can get invested in them, absorbed in the stories, the enemies, the alliances, the arcs. They’re a lot like reading series books. At least they are to me.

Aaalll of this is basically to say that I MISS MY SUPERMAN on TV! 🙁 In fact, I was briefly ECSTATIC with glee when there were rumors going around that Tom Welling would be guest starring on my newest obsession, Once Upon A Time, as Gaston in the Beauty and the Beast story. Alas, I don’t think this is happening. But what IS happening is equally awesome, even though it doesn’t involve Tom Welling or Justin Hartley, and I can’t believe I haven’t talked to you guys yet about how excited I am! Because…


I know. I KNOW.

The new show is called Arrow, and it sounds like it’s going to be a little LESS comic-y than Smallville was, but I really don’t care. I’m still going to get geeky with it, because Green Arrow is badass in his own way, PLUS he’s basically a superhero Robin Hood, what with the arrows and all, and I LOVE ROBIN HOOD. There’s all kinds of drama with Green Arrow and his lady, Black Canary (hopefully they’ll have some kind of incarnation of her on Arrow). Also, I’ll get to stare at THIS every week, fighting crime and looking FINE:

Stephen Amell = Green Arrow

BRING IT, CW. Bring it. I SO can’t wait for this show!! Are you guys as PSYCHED as I am for MOAR SUPERHEROS on your televisions?!