Excuse Me While I Fangirl: Supernatural



Friends, I’ve just been talking on Twitter about one of my favorite shows of ALL TIME, Supernatural, and it got me thinking: It’s about time I shouted out my love for this show up in here! Because honestly, I’ve never missed a single episode. I watched the first episode of season 1 the night that it first aired, and I’m going to ride it til it dies (which is hopefully NEVER). Other shows have come and gone in the time that I’ve been a Supernatural fan, but it remains a constant in my life. I can’t complain about this EVER because DEAN WINCHESTER (played by Jensen Ackles):


You are welcome. (Source)

Because I ADORE that this show isn’t just about the beasties and demons and angels and witches–it’s also about brothers and family and responsibility and sacrifice. IT IS THE VERY BEST SHOW. I am not lying. There are no two characters on TV right now who are more complicated, screwed up, sad, and wounded than Sam and Dean Winchester, and I just want to squish them both with hugs.

In honor of my love, a few gifs for you:


This is what I do at the end of every–awesome–episode. Before I cry that the episode is over. (Source)

Supernatural Supernatural 2 Supernatural

Gotta get some Castiel love up in here because, honestly, Supernatural has always been awesome, but when Castiel showed up in Season 4 it was basically MIND = BLOWN and he’s been hugely important and hilarious and heartbreaking ever since. (Source)

Superantural 6 Supernatural 7 Supernatural 8 Supernatural

LOOK AT THE FEELS ON THEIR FACES. Listen, life for Dean and Sam Winchester is mostly horrible. They can’t have relationships, people important to them die all the time, they’re constantly on the run from some evil demon or other, and they have the salvation of basically THE WHOLE EARTH on their shoulders. It’s an isolating, bleak life. The one thing that they can rely on (most of the time) is each other, and given that they’re legacies with their feet firmly in the middle of a steaming pile of suck, they have an intense connection. Sam and Dean are “I will always and forever die for you” brothers. It’s FIERCE and usually makes me cry. (Source)

But hey, there are some bright spots, sometimes. One of them is Bobby Singer. He’s a gruff SOB who’s like a father to Sam and Dean. He swears at them, drinks beers, and has an encyclopedic knowledge of demon beasties under his dirty trucker cap. LOVE HIM. (Source)


And honestly, Supernatural wouldn’t be the same without Dean’s baby, his black 1967 Chevy Impala. Guys, Dean and the Impala are LOVEBIRDS. The car is as much a part of Dean and this show as any of the other characters. It’s an icon. For real. (Source)


The bottom line is this: If you don’t watch this show, correct yourself. If the incentives of creepy supernaturals, family drama, and brotherly love aren’t enough for you, Supernatural has a couple of MONEY aces up its sleeves:


I’m only sorry that you’ll have to turn your heads sideways to get the best looks at this not-big-enough picture. Other than that, you are welcome. AGAIN. (Can’t find the source for this one, but I’ll update if any of you can find it!)

So, who’s with me? Lots of SPN fans out there? Newbies that I have brought into the fold? Let’s fangirl together!!