
No, not the TV show, guys. (So, ok. I just realized that it’s very likely LOTS of you are too young to even know what I’m talking about just there. I am filled with ALL THE SADNESS.) I’m talking about something infinitely cooler: 

I’m going to be reviewing middle grade books over at! HUZZAH! 

This website is going to be chock full of bookish goodness, friends. TONS of columns, lots of reviews for all levels of children’s literature–including picture books, which ROCKS, publishing news, issues, giveaways. There’s literally NOTHING bad going on over there. I can’t stress how excited I am to be a part of this site with so many incredible bloggers!! Please go and check things out! 

My reviews will be posted every other Wednesday, with my first one going up THIS WEEK, and I can’t wait to spread some middle grade love all over the place! But seriously, don’t sleep on ever. There’s great stuff going up every day. See you guys over there! 🙂