Five Favorite Things: The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater

five favorite things

So, I’ve decided to start something new, friends, and I’m pretty stoked about it. No idea how often I’ll do it, but I’ll tell you a little bit about why and how I’ve started it. I used to do this feature/review called Five-Star Friday, where I would review books that I just adored and wanted to spotlight in a more obvious way. I enjoyed it, I did. But I always felt a little ridiculous having a feature on my blog that hinted at a rating system, which I don’t use. So it’s been on hiatus for a while, alas.

Fast-forward to earlier last month when I decided to challenge myself to read more books that have been recommended to me. Like, directly. One of the books on my list was the audio version of one of my ABSOLUTE favorite books of ever, THE SCORPIO RACES, a book that, quite frankly, I’m astonished never made it on my Five-Star Friday feature. But I’m glad it didn’t guys because as I was listening to the audio–itself the fourth time I’ve read this book–things I’d never noticed before struck me, and made me swoon anew. As I was trying to figure out how to review this particular reading of THE SCORPIO RACESthis feature cropped up in my brain. And thus, Five Favorite Things was born.

Of course, narrowing my favorite things about THE SCORPIO RACES–or any book I love, really–down to just five is bound to sometimes be a challenge. So perhaps there will be a time or two (or three or four) when I cheat. Also, it’s my intention to use this feature to talk to you guys about books that I love SO MUCH that I just have to read them all the time. I don’t anticipate reviewing new books this way because, hey, I don’t want to feel hemmed in by the whole “favorite” part if there was something that bothered me. Suffice it to say, though, that when I highlight a book on Five Favorite Things, there won’t be very much at all–if anything–that bothered me about whatever book I’m shouting out.

Now that I’ve explained this whole thing to DEATH, and probably not made sense at least once, let’s just get to it already! Without further ado (drumroll, please…), my five FAVORITE things about:

THE SCORPIO RACES by Maggie Stiefvater, narrated by Steve West and Fiona Hardingham

Book cover for The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater

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