On the Same Page | Sunshine | Robin McKinley

on the same pageSunshine • Robin McKinley

So we’re only a month behind with this one, friends. That’s not bad at all, right?! I’m glad that we took our time to read SUNSHINE by Robin McKinley, though. It’s a very different vampire book than any other I’ve read, but in a good way. SUNSHINE is certainly not a book to devour quickly. And hey, since I introduced that eating metaphor, I might as well carry it through my post! No, no, I’m not going to talk about vampires feeding on humans. I’m talking about BAKING. You heard me right.

Sunshine is something of a renowned baker, working at Charlie’s Coffeehouse in New Arcadia. It’s America, but post-Voodoo Wars America, where vampires and weres and demons are on the verge of taking over the Earth. In the midst of all this supernatural drama, Sunshine gets up at 4:30 every morning to make her famous Cinnamon Rolls as Big as Your Head. I want to stuff one in my face RIGHT NOW. She bakes all kinds of things for Charlie’s customers, but there were a few that stuck out in my mind, and are what I would imagine are her “signature” recipes.

In honor of Sunshine’s baked goods that made me salivate while reading, I’m going to share some recipes with you! One of them I’ve used a number of times; in fact, I use it every Christmas. I can vouch for it’s UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLENESS. The other just sounds good and reminds me of a recipe of Sunshine’s. So break out your aprons and your measuring cups, friends! It’s SUNSHINE: THE COOKBOOK. (I wish this actually existed, though. I would buy it immediately.)

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