On the Same Page | Vicious | V.E. Schwab

on the same pageVicious by V.E. Schwab

It’s time to talk about our second book, friends! And let me tell you something: It was a REALLY good one that featured a truckload of issues and topics for thought. VICIOUS is billed as superhero fiction, and sure that makes sense, but it’s easy to see while reading that these ExtraOrdinary folks, aka EOs, are not your typical Supermans or Magnetos.

However, quite like most superhero/villain canon, VICIOUS is rooted strongly in relationships: good ones, bad ones, seemingly insignificant ones that transform lives and people. In lieu of talking about the hero aspect of VICIOUS–which Brittany and Alyssa are doing differently and awesomely on their sites–I’m going to break VICIOUS down for you relationship by relationship (leaving out some of the REALLY small ones, unfortunately). So let’s get into it!

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