Tripping Over August

So I’m changing this up a little bit. As much as I love telling you guys about as many awesome books that are coming out each month, I’m feeling like I want to highlight just a few that I am most excited about. So that’s what we’re going to do from here on out. (Or until I change my mind again. Ha!) Without further ado, here are the 5 books (this is a totally arbitrary number) I’m most excited for in August.

Book cover for Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass #1) by Sarah J. Maas.

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Friends, I just started reading this one and I’m already in love. I’ve been EAGERLY anticipating THRONE OF GLASS, the debut fantasy by Sarah J. Maas, for ages, and I can’t tell you how excited I am that it’s finally almost out in the world. Also, I was super lucky enough to get an ARC at BEA this past June, and I got to say “hey!” to the author herself. She was a DOLL, and so far her book is living up to every expectation of awesomeness that I had for it. (August 7, 2012 from Bloomsbury.)

Book cover for The Waiting Sky by Lara Zielin

The Waiting Sky by Lara Zielin.

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Excuse me while I DIE WITH EXCITEMENT over here. A book about tornadoes? STORM CHASING?! Like Twister, one of my favorite movies of ever?! I can’t deal. Plus, this one has some pretty juicy sounding family drama: an unstable mother, a brother who flew the coop, anger, bitterness.  There’s one thing that I love reading about above lots of other things, guys, and that’s brother/sister relationships. I don’t have a brother, so reading about girls who DO have brothers is the only taste of it that I get. I’m really looking forward to seeing how Jane and her brother Ethan get along. Or not. Also, WEATHER.  (August 7, 2012 from Putnam Juvenile.)

Book cover for Palace of Stone by Shannon Hale

Palace of Stone (Princess Academy #2) by Shannon Hale.

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Lots of great fantasies coming out this month, friends! I seem to be looking forward to most of them. But honestly, Shannon Hale’s sequel to PRINCESS ACADEMY, a truly wonderful middle grade? Of course I’d be excited! I don’t want to spoil things too much if you haven’t read PRINCESS ACADEMY yet. Suffice it to say that Miri, the main character, is fantastically bright and smart, and I’m very much looking forward to seeing her and her friends in a new environment. (August 21, 2012 from Bloomsbury.)

Book cover for Defiance by C.J. Redwine

Defiance (Defiance #1) by C.J. Redwine.

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The buzz I’ve been hearing about DEFIANCE has been pretty amazing. It’s another fantasy about a girl named Rachel who basically breaks all the rules of feminine submission and meekness to go searching for her presumed dead father against he wishes of the Commander. Of course, she goes on this road trip/quest with Logan, a guy who sounds like a MAJOR hot brooder whom Rachel once confessed her love to, to disastrous effect. FANTASY QUEST WITH FEELINGS. I’m dying over here. (August 28, 2012 from Balzer + Bray.)

Book cover for If I Lie by Corrine Jackson

If I Lie by Corrine Jackson.

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Friends, I love military-themed books. Not a secret. I also love books with complicated emotions. Plus I feel like the cover of IF I LIE is some kind of HUGE metaphor: Look at all that GRAY AREA! Totally makes sense when you take into consideration that this book is about a girl, Quinn, who cheats on her boyfriend, Carey, who’s serving in the military. There’s secrets, and lies, and drama. I love the sound of literally all of this. (August 28, 2012 from Simon Pulse.)


  1. I’m so excited for Throne of Glass, Princess Academy, and Defiance. I’m also really looking forward to Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake (sequel to Anna Dressed in Blood), Unwholly by Neal Scusterman (sequel to Unwind), and Starling by Lesley Livingston.

  2. Throne of Glass was great! And so was Palace of Stone 😉