Tripping Over November


Lots of great books coming out this month, friends! For me, though, there’s one in particular that I have been SALIVATING for since last year. But no worries: The other books sound amazing, too, and I’m stoked for all of them. November is shaping up to be a pretty legit month!

Book cover for Champion by Marie LuNovember ChampionTHIS BOOK. Friends, I have been dying for CHAMPION since I finished reading PRODIGY after last year’s BEA. Day and June are legit two of my favorite characters right now. I love their relationship and how it’s hard for them to be together and yet they manage somehow to survive together. I’m ESCARED about what might happen in CHAMPION, though. *is nervous* (November 5 from Putnam Juvenile)

Book cover for Pawn by Aimee Carter

November PawnI’m sorry, did you say “rebellion”? That’s all I need to hear. Rebellions are one of my personal buzz word topics. If I hear about a book that has a rebellion or a revolution or an insurrection, I am in, no questions asked. PAWN, though, sounds especially intriguing: It’s a dystopian world where people live by some sort of caste-like system, and one of the higher ups is in the process of sowing a rebellion when she dies. Our MC can undergo a standard procedure to “become” another person, and her option is this aforementioned deceased rebel leader. !!! I can’t wait. (November 26 from Harlequin Teen)

Book cover for Night of Cake and Puppets by Laini Taylor

November Night of Cake and PuppetsOMG I LOVE LOVE LOVE Zuzana and Mik from this series. I loved them especially in DAYS OF BLOOD AND STARLIGHT, which was amazing in large part due to them and their loveliness as a couple. This novella–that’s right, I’m looking FORWARD to a novella–tells the story of their first gloriously romantic date, described by Zuzana as the best night of her life. I mean. (November 26 from Little, Brown BFYR)

Book cover for World After by Susan Ee

November World AfterI recently listened to book 1 in this series, ANGELFALL, and it was really good. I’m hit or miss with angels sometimes, but I like this angel apocalypse, “angels are the bad guys” thing going on here. It puts a whole different spin on things. Plus I’m not entirely convinced that Penryn isn’t…something. I don’t know why, but I have A FEELING. Psh, I’m probably wrong. But that doesn’t mean I’m not looking forward to finding out! (November 19 from Skyscape)

Book cover for Crash Into You by Katie McGarry

November Crash Into YouI’m a fan of Katie McGarry’s contemporary series about a bunch of troubled youths finding love when they don’t think they deserve it. Sometimes there’s some melodrama, but the characters are just a little bit damaged and their relationships are steamy, so I’m a big fan. Isaiah has been in all three books so far, and so I’m jonesing for him to get his happy ending, too. (November 26 from Harlequin Teen)


  1. Katie McGarry, Katie McGarry, Katie McGarry! So excited for Crash Into You!!