Tripping Over December


YAY DECEMBER IS HERE! December is a busy month for me–lots of birthdays and, of course, CHRISTMAS, only my favorite holiday IN THE WORLD. Thankfully, perhaps, there’s only a few books I’m dying to get my hands on this month. This is good because I still have TONS of books to read that already came out. But that doesn’t mean I’m any less stoked to read these three books!

DecemberThis one sounds like a super cute contemporary that’s coming out from a new ebook imprint of Bloomsbury. There’s a militant vegan with purple hair who sounds like a tough cookie and the captain of the football team and ART things. It sounds adorable. (December 19 from Bloomsbury Spark)

DecemberIf I hear one more excellent thing about this book, I might die. First of all, it sounds like a science-fictiony book version of Lost, one of my favorite TV shows. Second of all, I’m hearing that the romance–especially one Tarver Mendensen–is DELISH. Third of all, that cover is GORGEOUS! Science fiction is not always my go-to reading choice, and I’m usually really wary of dual-authored books, but it’s hard to ignore this much buzz. STOKED. (December 10 from Disney-Hyperion)

decemberMiranda Kenneally books are pretty solid contemps, and so I’m looking forward to RACING SAVANNAH. There’s lots of yellow on the cover, so I’m immediately drawn to it, but more than that, this one just sounds fun and swoony. Plus, HORSES. I’m always a fan of those pretties! (December 3 from Sourcebooks Fire)


  1. I’m really excited about These Broken Stars. Can’t wait! I haven’t heard of The Art of Falling, I’ll have to check it out.