Top Ten Tuesday | Top Ten Reads of 2015

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Reads of 2015

There are a handful of Top Ten Tuesdays that I look forward to every year, and this is one of them. As I read during the year, I mentally catalog which books might wind up on this list. Usually, I have a harder time narrowing things down, but this year’s Top Ten Reads of 2015 was a pretty easy list to compile. I’m not sure if that means I read fewer good books or a greater quantity of really amazing books than I usually do, but these ten books were LEGIT. Some of them I’ve already reread. 2015 was a good year for favorites, friends.

Top Ten Tuesday

When I first ZOOMED through THE WRATH AND THE DAWN with my girls, we all basically died from love. Shazi and Khalid…my brain sometimes can’t process how much I loved reading their story and experiencing their world.

TTT_2015 9 I have to admit: the dragon in UPROOTED wasn’t what I thought it would be. But thankfully, it was BETTER. This was such an engrossing tale, and it’s one of those worlds that I just want to experience the full width and breadth of. TTT_2015 8 Maybe a little bit of a cheat with this one because EVERY MOVE isn’t out in the US yet. I loved the first two books in this amazing series so much that I ordered them all from the Australian publisher so that I could read them. This is an excellent conclusion to legitimately my favorite Sherlock retelling. TTT_2015 7A COURT OF THORNS AND ROSES is the first of two Sarah J. Maas books on this list–talk about someone having an epic year, guys! Her books and her writing just always ensnare me in the best possible way. Her characters are passionate and tough and the drama is always intense. Can’t wait for more about Feyre and Tamlin. TTT_2015 6 For me, every Sarah Dessen book I read is better than the last. SAINT ANYTHING was really enjoyable to me because the characters are so endearing and complex. I particularly loved the relationship between Sydney and Mac. It’s so sweet and supportive.TTT_2015 4 I COULD NOT PUT ILLUMINAE DOWN WHICH WAS HELL ON MY WRISTS BUT I DON’T EVEN CARE. I’m not usually down with science fiction. It sometimes feels too much like…well, science. But the intense drama and action in this book was perfection. PERFECTION. Adored it. You’ll find out why when I review it (hopefully SO SOON; I’ve been such a review slacker lately.)TTT_2015 3 I’m going to be straight with you guys: I liked SIX OF CROWS a little better than the Grisha trilogy, I think. Actually I’m pretty sure. There’s just something about Kaz and Inej and all of the characters that make up this gang! I could read about them forever. Also, I’m a huge sucker for heists, and this is a great one. I’m also so horrifically behind on my reviews that I haven’t reviewed this one yet. Bad blogger award goes to me. TTT_2015 2 God, isn’t Willowdean just THE BEST?! I adored DUMPLIN’, another casualty of my Bad Blogger Award. (I’m getting to them, I swear.) The sass and the heart…it’s just what basically everyone needs always. TTT_2015 1 THIS BOOK. There is no order to this list, but if I had to pick my absolute, for real favorites of 2015, QUEEN OF SHADOWS would be one. I am 100% in it to win it with this series. The more I can read about Aelin, the better off I’ll be. Ditto for Rowan. Ditto for this world. Ditto for Manon and Abraxos and everything. TTT_2015

I’LL MEET YOU THERE is the only book on this list that I’ve read twice. Because I am always a little weaker in the knees for stories about veterans. Because Josh and Sky are one of my all-time OTPs. Because I legit pretend they are real because I love them so much. Because of THAT LETTER. So many feels. Like actual, physical feels while I was reading. So much love.


  1. I haven’t read any of these, but I have Uprooted and I hope to get Six of Crows for Christmas. Both look really good!

  2. I mean, it’s never wrong to include a Sarah J. Maas novel on a BEST OF list. I’m just saying 😉 I’m also happy to see Six of Crows, Saint Anything & I’ll Meet You There on here! All of those books were most excellent reads 😉

  3. I LOVED Saint Anything! Sarah Dessen is Amazing! 🙂
    Great List!

    My TTT! 😀

  4. Saint Anything made my list today too. Sarah Dessen is just absolutely incredible, and I will never stop reading the work she produces. Great list! Illuminae and basically everything by Sarah J. Maas is on my TBR!

  5. I am determined to finally read The Wrath & The Dawn and Uprooted next year! My TTT

  6. Oh my gosh I either read these or they’re on my list!!! This was an awesome year for books! Maybe I just feel that way because I came back from a 2-year (unwanted) reading hiatus – but so much good stuff! It was hard for me to draft my top 10 post. 🙂

  7. <3 your taste in books! I've seen the Ellie Marney books everywhere, and I have the first – I NEED to read. I'm afraid of becoming obsessed though, especially, as you say, the last book isn't even out in the US! Although….I totally do what you did and order books from INT just to get them, hehe. Great list!

  8. WRATH!!!! I loved that book! And that ship! It was perfect! I can’t wait to know what happens to my favourite couple in the sequel!
    Six of Crows! I I liked it better that Shadow and Bone as well! I think Kaz makes all the difference. He’s terrific!

  9. I totally loved The Wrath and the Dawn. A Court of Thorns and Roses was also amazing. I really need to pull Illuminae off my shelf and read it. I haven’t heard anything bad about it.
    Thanks for sharing your list!

  10. I LOVED Uprooted too! I listened to the audiobook and it was really fantastic. A few of the other books I want to read next year – and are part of series I need to catch up on. And your graphics are amazeballs!

  11. Real talk…9 of these books are sitting on my shelf, 8 of which are giving me nasty side eye for not reading them this year. And yes, Wililowdean IS. THE. BEST. After reading this post I realize that have to seriously put my butt in gear.