In My Mailbox (42)

August 26, 2012

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren. It’s awesome. Every week, we all get a chance to tell everyone what new books we’ve gotten so that we can tell you guys and we can all drool and squee together! Huzzah for squees!

Holla for alternative formats! Got some REALLY great books in electronic and audio format this week, friends. And yes, that means NetGalley. *looks shameful* But it’s a really cute one! 


Book cover for Secrets of Shakespeare's Grave by Deron R. Hicks

Amazon | Goodreads

Secrets of Shakespeare’s Grave by Deron R. Hicks (September 4, 2012 from Houghton Mifflin Books for Children). Umm, seriously? How could I resist a book about a young girl with family secrets involving LITERATURE, along with basically a travel-through-time-and-the-world bookish middle grade adventure.


Book cover for Angefall by Susan Ee
Angelfall: Penryn and the End of Days #1 by Susan Ee. So, ANGELS. I am for sure waaaaaay behind on angel books and while I have enjoyed the ones I’ve read, I’m not sure that I’ll get around to reading a whole ton of them. That being said, this book–ANGELFALL–sounds pretty legit. It’s basically the story of the post-apocalypse world, except the REAL BIBLICAL one, not some man-made disaster like wars or disease. The main character teams up with a fallen angel to rescue a missing family member and the DRAMZ ensues. I can’t believe I’ve missed this one for so long. It sounds fantastic.
Book cover for Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness
Shadow of Night: All Souls Trilogy #2 by Deborah Harkness. Guys, I am loving Audible lately.  I used one of my credits to buy the audiobook for the sequel to A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES, which was actually pretty great. A little adult paranormal does the body good, friends. I’ve never listened to a book from Penguin Audiobooks before, but the little sample of narrator Jennifer Ikeda sounds awesome. I’m really looking forward to seeing (hearing!) what happens to Matthew and Diana.

I’m so excited for the books I got this week! Hope you guys love what you got in your mailboxes, too!

In My Mailbox (41)

August 19, 2012

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren. It’s awesome. Every week, we all get a chance to tell everyone what new books we’ve gotten so that we can tell you guys and we can all drool and squee together! Huzzah for squees!

Guys, have you noticed that I haven’t gotten a lot of books from NetGalley lately? Aren’t you proud of me?!  I’ve been resisting it really well, I think. Which is good, because I’ve got plenty of NetGalley stuff to read already. Plus it give me more time to moon over the books that I buy for myself, like this week’s small haul. 


Book cover for Raw Blue by Kirsty Eagar
Raw Blue by Kirsty Eagar. I have already read RAW BLUE, but now I can actually have a real copy of my own, thanks to UK publisher Catnip and Guys, this book is one of the best Aussie contemps ever. It’s about a girl named Carly who has some horrible things in her past, and the surfer guy she bonds with who helps her move past them. Except it’s not as smooth and perfect as that little synopsis of mine sounds, and it’s certainly not cute. “Raw” is a good word for this book. Also AMAZING.
book cover for Dante's Girl by Courtney Cole
Dante’s Girl: The Paradise Diaries #1 by Courtney Cole. I just heard about this book earlier this week, and I decided to give it a go. It’s a self-pub, but it sounds really cute, and it’s about an American girl in London, and I can ALWAYS get behind that. Fingers crossed that it’s as adorable and fun as it sounds!

I’m so excited for the books I got this week! Hope you guys love what you got in your mailboxes, too!

In My Mailbox (40)

August 5, 2012

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren. It’s awesome. Every week, we all get a chance to tell everyone what new books we’ve gotten so that we can tell you guys and we can all drool and squee together! Huzzah for squees!

SUPER excited about these two books, friends! 


Throne of Glass: Throne of Glass #1 by Sarah J. MaasI’ve actually just finished this one, friends, and it was wonderful. As solid a beginning to fantasy series as you’ll find. I cannot wait for book 2!
Daughter of Smoke and Bone: Daughter of Smoke and Bone #1 by Laini TaylorFriends, I loved this book when I read it’s just GORGEOUS. So, so beautiful. I’ve always loved the UK cover of this book better than the US one, so I bought it for myself. I DIE over those opalescent feathers. DIE.

I’m so excited for the books I got this week! Hope you guys love what you got in your mailboxes, too!

In My Mailbox (39)

August 5, 2012

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren. It’s awesome. Every week, we all get a chance to tell everyone what new books we’ve gotten so that we can tell you guys and we can all drool and squee together! Huzzah for squees!

Guys, I had a bit of a craptastic week last week, so I decided to soothe my weary self by going on a spree. Hence the mini-splosion of books courtesy of my wallet. I’ve been meaning to buy finished copies of lots of these books and I finally did it. Plus, I got some pretty sweet gems from NetGalley, too! Bad week is instantly BETTER!


Book cover for Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff

Stormdancer: The Lotus War #1 by Jay Kristoff (September 18, 2012 from Thomas Dunne Books). Guys. I’ve been excited about this book for a long while now. I cannot wait to read the story of Yukiko and her dangerous quest and her crumbling world–a Japanese-based fantasy-punk kind of place. Also: CHECK THAT SLEEVE TATTOO. Dying.

Book cover for The Lost Prince by Julie Kagawa

The Lost Prince: Call of the Forgotten #1 by Julie Kagawa (October 23, 2012 from Harlequin Teen). Obviously I would be right on top of this one, guys. It’s the first book in the companion series to The Iron Fey, my favorite fairy series of ever. This one is about Meghan’s brother, Ethan. Who, if you’ve read those books, was a basically a toddler the last time we saw him. Ahem. Not a toddler anymore. And now he’s getting into some fae shenanigans himself. I can’t wait to read this one.

Book cover for The Unfailing Light by Robin Bridges

The Unfailing Light: The Katerina Trilogy #2 by Robin Bridges (October 9, 2012 from Random House Children’s). Guys, I enjoyed THE GATHERING STORM, the first book in this historical paranormal set in tsarist Russia because, one, I love historical paranormals. Two, the Romanovs are one of my many geek-gasm topics. I was a little confused by the story, but I’m looking forward to the second book nonetheless. I need to know what happens to Katiya and George!

(THANKS MUCHLY to St. Martin’s Griffin/Thomas Dunne, Harlequin Teen, and Random House for these awesome books!)


The Demon King: Seven Realms #1 by Cinda Williams Chima. Friends, Cinda Williams Chima’s fantasy series is LEGIT. I have copies of the other two books in this series–THE EXILED QUEEN and THE GRAY WOLF THRONE–but I read this first one after checking it out of my library. I need it, though. And now I have it. HUZZAH! (PS. Read these. They’re super.)

Cinder: The Lunar Chronicles #1 by Marissa MeyerAnother book that I loved to bits and pieces, but didn’t have a finished copy of. CINDER was outstanding. One of my favorite books of this year. I love the world and the characters and EVERYTHING. I can’t wait for SCARLET!

Legend: Legend #1 by Marie Lu. It seems a crime that I didn’t have a finished copy of LEGEND, right? I mean, I’ve sung its praises far and wide, and was salivating at the prospect of getting a copy of PRODIGY, book 2, at BEA this year. Alas, when you are broke, some things have to take a back seat, and so I was never able to buy a copy of LEGEND for myself until now. Woot!

The Waiting Sky by Lara ZielinI’m sorry, did you say storm chasers? I’m in. I’m in! And what’s that? Tornadoes, did you say? Alright, alright, I SAID I was in!! No need to try to convince me any more! Oh, plus there’s brother/sister drama and a little romance on the side? Wow. That’s a lot of awesome in one book.

The Luxe, Envy, Rumors: The Luxe #1-3 by Anna GodbersenSo here’s the deal: These books are just soapy, dramatic fun. I liked them quite a bit, and I have the fourth one, SPLENDOR, but I didn’t have the first three. I love historical fiction books, and this series, set in turn-of-the-century (that would be the 20th century) New York, is a good time.

I’m so excited for the books I got this week! Hope you guys love what you got in your mailboxes, too!

Tripping Over August

So I’m changing this up a little bit. As much as I love telling you guys about as many awesome books that are coming out each month, I’m feeling like I want to highlight just a few that I am most excited about. So that’s what we’re going to do from here on out. (Or until I change my mind again. Ha!) Without further ado, here are the 5 books (this is a totally arbitrary number) I’m most excited for in August.

Book cover for Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass #1) by Sarah J. Maas.

Amazon | Goodreads

Friends, I just started reading this one and I’m already in love. I’ve been EAGERLY anticipating THRONE OF GLASS, the debut fantasy by Sarah J. Maas, for ages, and I can’t tell you how excited I am that it’s finally almost out in the world. Also, I was super lucky enough to get an ARC at BEA this past June, and I got to say “hey!” to the author herself. She was a DOLL, and so far her book is living up to every expectation of awesomeness that I had for it. (August 7, 2012 from Bloomsbury.)

Book cover for The Waiting Sky by Lara Zielin

The Waiting Sky by Lara Zielin.

Amazon | Goodreads

Excuse me while I DIE WITH EXCITEMENT over here. A book about tornadoes? STORM CHASING?! Like Twister, one of my favorite movies of ever?! I can’t deal. Plus, this one has some pretty juicy sounding family drama: an unstable mother, a brother who flew the coop, anger, bitterness.  There’s one thing that I love reading about above lots of other things, guys, and that’s brother/sister relationships. I don’t have a brother, so reading about girls who DO have brothers is the only taste of it that I get. I’m really looking forward to seeing how Jane and her brother Ethan get along. Or not. Also, WEATHER.  (August 7, 2012 from Putnam Juvenile.)

Book cover for Palace of Stone by Shannon Hale

Palace of Stone (Princess Academy #2) by Shannon Hale.

Amazon | Goodreads

Lots of great fantasies coming out this month, friends! I seem to be looking forward to most of them. But honestly, Shannon Hale’s sequel to PRINCESS ACADEMY, a truly wonderful middle grade? Of course I’d be excited! I don’t want to spoil things too much if you haven’t read PRINCESS ACADEMY yet. Suffice it to say that Miri, the main character, is fantastically bright and smart, and I’m very much looking forward to seeing her and her friends in a new environment. (August 21, 2012 from Bloomsbury.)

Book cover for Defiance by C.J. Redwine

Defiance (Defiance #1) by C.J. Redwine.

Amazon | Goodreads

The buzz I’ve been hearing about DEFIANCE has been pretty amazing. It’s another fantasy about a girl named Rachel who basically breaks all the rules of feminine submission and meekness to go searching for her presumed dead father against he wishes of the Commander. Of course, she goes on this road trip/quest with Logan, a guy who sounds like a MAJOR hot brooder whom Rachel once confessed her love to, to disastrous effect. FANTASY QUEST WITH FEELINGS. I’m dying over here. (August 28, 2012 from Balzer + Bray.)

Book cover for If I Lie by Corrine Jackson

If I Lie by Corrine Jackson.

Amazon | Goodreads

Friends, I love military-themed books. Not a secret. I also love books with complicated emotions. Plus I feel like the cover of IF I LIE is some kind of HUGE metaphor: Look at all that GRAY AREA! Totally makes sense when you take into consideration that this book is about a girl, Quinn, who cheats on her boyfriend, Carey, who’s serving in the military. There’s secrets, and lies, and drama. I love the sound of literally all of this. (August 28, 2012 from Simon Pulse.)

In My Mailbox (38)

July 29, 2012

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren. It’s awesome. Every week, we all get a chance to tell everyone what new books we’ve gotten so that we can tell you guys and we can all drool and squee together! Huzzah for squees!

In which I am feeling bingey for New Adult books and buy a load of them. 


Book cover for Flat Out Love by Jessica Park

Flat Out Love by Jessica Park. So friends, I’m really loving these New/Mature YA books that are around. I’ve always wished there were more books out there featuring ACTUAL LITERAL young adults, as opposed to high schoolers who aren’t quite adults yet. FLAT OUT LOVE is about a girl from Ohio who’s going to college in Boston and winds up living in a house with two MIT professors and their kids. And wouldn’t you know it? There’s brothers there. I’m super excited for this one.

Book cover for Between the Lines by Tammara Webber

Between the Lines: Between the Lines #1 by Tammara Webber. GUYS. I read Tammara Webber‘s book EASY in, like, a few hours last week after it had been lingering on my kindle for months. My review will be up later this week, but let me give you a preview: FREAKING AWESOME. I immediately went and discovered that Tammara has a whole series of New Adult/Mature YA books, starting with this one about a bunch of young hot kids shooting a movie together on location. Yes please.

Book cover for Where You Are by Tammara Weber

Where You Are: Between the Lines #2 by Tammara Weber. A continuation of the dramz from book 1. There are four young people in that book and they are all still around. To be honest, it sounds like people are getting with each other/forming attachments all over the place. JUICY!

Book cover for Goof For You by Tammara Webber

Good For You: Between the Lines #3 by Tammara Webber. So the first two books seem to be about a group of young people, but this one looks like it focuses on Reid Alexander, this Hollywood hotshot guy who’s gotten into some trouble with the LAW. Seriously, I love the sound of all of these books.

I’m so excited for the books I got this week! Hope you guys love what you got in your mailboxes, too!

In My Mailbox (37)

July 22, 2012

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren. It’s awesome. Every week, we all get a chance to tell everyone what new books we’ve gotten so that we can tell you guys and we can all drool and squee together! Huzzah for squees!

Couple of good ones this week, friends. They sound cute/awesome/fun. Or, in the case of one of them, already ARE awesome. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. 


Book cover for The Demon Catchers of Milan by Kat Beyer

The Demon Catchers of Milan by Kat Beyer (August 28, 2012 from EgmontUSA). So this one sounds like it has the potential to be LEGIT. Italian demon hunters? Ancient evils? A young American girl who must travel to her ancestral home in Milan to learn the tricks of the family trade? LOTS of potential, I’d say.

Book cover for Rockoholic by C.J. Skuse

Rockoholic by C.J. Skuse (November 1, 2012 from Scholastic). So I’m not entirely sure that this book is actually new. But it IS new to me, so I guess that counts. Plus it sounds like BOATLOADS of good times: a young girl goes to a concert of her favorite band and “accidentally” (I can’t wait to see how THAT works) kidnaps the lead singer, and now he won’t leave her house. The Goodreads summary quotes “Paparazzi” by Lady Gaga, which could be…not flattering. But also hilarious. I’ll take a flyer on it.

(Tackle hugs to EgmontUSA and Scholastic for these puppies!)


Book cover for Small Damages by Beth Kephart

Small Damages by Beth Kephart. I’ve been totally enthralled by the sound of this book for awhile now, and when I heard some people whose opinions I trust completely REALLY loving it, I knew that SMALL DAMAGES would be great. I LOVE Spain, and so when this book came in the mail this week, I really couldn’t hold off reading it. So far, it’s poignant and bittersweet and lovely. PLUS! Guys! It’s a really cute, little trim size, and I just die for those little books!

That’s it for me this week, guys! I hope you all got some super goodies in your mailboxes this week!

In My Mailbox (36)

July 15, 2012

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren. It’s awesome. Every week, we all get a chance to tell everyone what new books we’ve gotten so that we can tell you guys and we can all drool and squee together! Huzzah for squees!

This week’s mailbox is brought to you by Amy’s Amazon Visa! (And one from NetGalley.) Seriously, it’s getting a smidge out of hand over here. Although let’s be serious: the day I stop buying books is one of the signs of the apocalypse; keep your fingers crossed that this never happens, friends. 


book cover for The Assassin's Curse by Cassandra Rose Clarke

The Assassin’s Curse: The Assassin’s Curse # 1 by Cassandra Rose Clarke (October 2, 2012 from Ctrange Chemistry). WHOA. Assassins? Check. Pirates? Check. Magic? Check. Middle Eastern-like setting? Check. THREE IMPOSSIBLE TASKS TO COMPLETE TO SAVE THE LIFE OF THE ASSASSIN MEANT TO KILL YOU (WHO INEVITABLY BECOMES THE LOVE INTEREST, RIGHT?)? CHECK! If I hadn’t seen this one on Heidi’s IMM last week, I might have missed it. But I didn’t. THANKFULLY.


Sorry for the craptastic picture…used my phone.

Seraphina: Seraphina #1 by Rachel Hartman. Guys, I have been looking forward to this debut fantasy for a long time. First of all, the cover is so gorgeous, I can’t even deal. It’s a WOODBLOCK engraving. I mean…. Plus, there’s dragons in this book. I can’t wait to dive in.

Insignia: Insignia #1 by S.J. KincaidThis one has been getting all kinds of mad love lately. It’s not something that would usually immediately grab my attention, but it’s definitely been on my radar: gaming, virtual reality, a military academy, and World War Three. I’m thinking that this one is going to be LEGIT.

That’s it for me this week, guys! Small but still AWESOME, right?! Hope you guys got some super stuff this week, too!

In My Mailbox (35)

July 8, 2012

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren. It’s awesome. Every week, we all get a chance to tell everyone what new books we’ve gotten so that we can tell you guys and we can all drool and squee together! Huzzah for squees!

Small mailbox again, guys, but I’m REALLY excited for these books. HOLLA!


Send Me a Sign by Tiffany Schmidt (October 2, 2012 from Walker Children’s). Cancer book, guys. I’m drawn to these like a moth to a flame. Plus, it’s a debut! A debut about a young girl who keeps her cancer a secret from everyone except her bff, who I think is a guy. I’m in.

The Sweetest Spell by Suzanne Selfors (August 21, 2012 from Walker & Co). This is a fantasy about a girl who can turn milk into CHOCOLATE, which is super rare in this world, which makes her a big ol’ target for bad guys. But chocolate, guys. I mean….


Book cover for Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson

Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson. Guys, I have been looking forward to this Peter Pan retelling via Tiger Lily, the Indian princess, for AGES. I’ve been hearing that it’s awesome but kind of dark, but I am STILL dying to read it. I love the Peter Pan story, and I’m so excited to read it from a different perspective.

That’s it for me this week, guys! Small but still AWESOME, right?! Hope you guys got some super stuff this week, too!

Tripping Over July

New books that are on their way this month!

July gives us a nice little break, friends, in terms of the number of books coming out. BUT never you fear: a slight decrease in quantity doesn’t mean that these books don’t sound FANTASTIC. Also, I can’t believe it’s already July. When did THAT happen? 

Anyway, I know I’m missing some books that are coming out this month, but I’m trying to trim things down a little bit here to the books that I’m most looking forward to/sound really intriguing. 

As always, click on the covers to head on over to each book’s Goodreads page.

Book cover for Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn AndersonBook cover for Team Human by Justine Larbalastier and Sarah Rees BrennanBook cover for Dark Companion by Marta AcostaBook cover for The Best Night of Your (Pathetic) Life by Tara AltebrandoBook cover for Amelia Anne is Dead and Gone by Kat Rosenfield

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