Top Ten Tuesday | Top Ten Hyped Books I’ve Never Read

Top Ten TuesdayTop Ten Hyped Books I’ve Never Read

I had a spot of trouble putting this list together because, one, there are so many books I haven’t read and, at least for books that are out already, they ALL have fanbases that spread the word; and two because I struggle with what hype means to me. Like, is it just a book that is popular with a smaller but very loud group, or THIS BOOK HAS TAKEN OVER THE INTERNETS HYPE MONSTER RAWR? I think I settled on books that were really popular among the people I follow and interact with on social media. I’ve got a pretty good slash embarrassing list here!

hyped books

CHAOS WALKING series | So, I don’t think I’ll ever read this series, guys. I’m so sorry. I don’t think I’ve ever come into contact with someone who didn’t love these books, but there’s a THING that someone spoiled for me (I have no issues with spoilers, and I’m glad I was spoiled in this case) that I really have an incredibly hard time reading, and it happens in one of these books. It’s turned me right off ever since.

UNRAVEL ME & IGNITE ME | I enjoyed SHATTER ME, that’s true enough. But when UNRAVEL ME came out, I never felt the urge to grab it. I told myself, “Just wait for the last one and then read them both.” I never do that, though. If I want to read a book–hyped or not–in a series, I grab it when it comes out and suffer horribly until the next one is released. Then when IGNITE ME came out, I didn’t feel the urge to read either of them. I’m still kind of hovering around “meh” when it comes to finishing this series, despite all the hype.

UNTOLD & UNMADE | GIMME THESE THO. I was a big fan of UNSPOKEN; I just haven’t gotten around to getting copies of the next two installments in Sarah Rees Brennan’s series yet. This isn’t from any ambivalence on my part, though. I WANT to read these. Just haven’t gotten there yet.

SOMETHING STRANGE AND DEADLY | So…this is kind of zombie-ish, right? Man, that’s just not my jam. I know a lot of people who love these books, though, and I’ve always been super intrigued. Until I remember “zombies” and am all “ugh” again. Maybe one day.

THE FILL-IN BOYFRIEND & ON THE FENCE | I see so much love and hype for Kasie West, and I can dig it. I’ve read THE DISTANCE BETWEEN US but nothing else of hers yet. I am always down for a butterfly-inducing contemporary, though, so I know that I’ll be reading these two soon.

MORE HAPPY THAN NOT | I also almost put SIMON VS. THE HOMO SAPIENS AGENDA on this list, but went with MORE HAPPY THAN NOT because, well, I own it. They’ve both gotten some great hype and love from people I know, so that goes a looong way toward recommending them.

WE WERE LIARS | Do you guys remember the HUMONGOUS Twitter campaign that went with this book? I can’t remember the hashtag right now, but it was bananas and there was all of this “OMG OMG THIS BOOK IS A MIND FUCK” exclaiming everywhere. I need to be in the mood for that sometimes, though, so I haven’t picked up this hype monster yet.

LADY THIEF & LION HEART | You guys are getting a good glimpse at a theme of my TBR right now: unfinished series. I have so many. This is one. LION HEART got lots of hype when it came out recently, but I’m still behind. I liked SCARLET, but it wasn’t an all-time favorite, so I didn’t rush to read any more. I do want to, though. Because Robin Hood.

TO ALL THE BOYS I’VE LOVED BEFORE | I do love Jenny Han, friends. Her Summer series is both swoony and really serious, and really heart-wrenching and -fixing. This new series gets lots of hype, and thanks to my OTSP Secret Sister, I own this book! YAY! Definitely looking forward to reading it soon.

JELLICOE ROAD | Sigh. One day. I want to so badly!! I feel like I NEED Jonah Griggs in my life, but I’m also sooo wary. I tried reading this once and COULD NOT HACK IT through the beginning. I think this has become my white whale. Maybe. As soon as I decide to dive back in, you guys will be the first to know.